Mother, Mother

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(TW: Graphic depictions of mall bombings, explosions, violence, alcoholism)

The beating of his heart could've been mistaken for thundering footsteps as he raged through the falling rain. All around him, dripping down his neck, into his shoes, coating him in a bitter shower of cold water that made him gasp.

Adriel could barely see past his fingertips, whether it was from the dark, his injury or the pouring rain around him. His matted hair stuck to his forehead, clothes pinned on to his slick skin. And despite the sheer chill of the water, he felt like he was on fire.

Because rain this heavy was always followed with worse things yet to come.


Behind him. Adriel gasped, turning back with eyes wide. For a moment, everything flashed white. And in the next, it was pitch black once more. He blinked hard, ears still ringing from the piercing roar of the lightning strike.

It was so close to him. And it would only get closer.

'One foot after the other. Run, run, run...'

A second strike came only a hundred meters away. Adriel could still see the lingering figure of the volt, dancing in the air like a blinding-white tree. And then the horrid sound of booming followed just a blink later, filling his ears with that terrifying, rattling feeling.

Adriel cringed, holding his hands over his ears. He squeezed his eyes shut, as if that would protect him from the hell that he had dragged himself into. Somehow, he knew that it would make no difference; that he was only prolonging the suffering to be brought down on him. Yet he couldn't bear to hear or see it any longer.

He took a step forward on his right leg, before yelping as his ankle rolled. He fell onto the wet, sludgy sand with a hard thump, slamming his hands down in front of him. Adriel wanted to just curl up underneath the sand and disappear, escaping from the thunderous explosions sounding off around him.

Another one to his right. Then one in the distance. Then one slamming down into the ocean. And following right after, the deafening clap of thunder. Adriel clenched his fists until they physically hurt, sucking his teeth to avoid screaming aloud.

He was cold, yet burning. Heart thumping frantically, like a broken metronome. Was he even breathing anymore? He couldn't tell. The wet, sloppy sand seeped into his already ruined clothes, feeling disgustingly gritty against his skin. And all the while, his prosthetics were beginning to feel stiff.

It was only a matter of time before they would rust. And even then, would they survive the layers of grime built on them today? Adriel let out a shaky gasp, before slamming his palm into the ground.

'Up, get up... get uP!'

With a cry of pain, he somehow got to his knees again. The mansion was less than a hundred metres away. He just had to make it there.

And just as he staggered forward, another strike of lightning boomed down from the dark sky. The worst one yet.


Right beside him, to his left.

An explosion.

A blinding flash of light, and the thunderous howl that followed straight after.

Only a few metres away from him. The ground steamed with heat, reaching his already burning cheeks.

And just like that, he could see it now.

That day, many years ago. A day just like this one, filled with screams and roars and cries of pain. That day, filled with explosions and gunshots and frantic confusion and fear.

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