Self Care

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"Justice for the Min family: The full, complete tale of Adriel and Asher Min. Ootori Medical Company accuses Takahashi Hospitals of manslaughter?!"

On July 4th, 9:35 pm, head of the Ootori Medical Company Ootori Yoshio came out with an official statement made towards the Takahashi Hospitals Company.

"The evidence we have collected suggests Takahashi Hospitals must be charged with several accounts of abuse of power, racial profiling and attempted manslaughter" Yoshio states.

Ootori Kyoya, youngest son of the Ootori's says the story goes as follows; several months earlier, company heir Takahashi Rui was found continuously targeting a student at Ouran Private academy by the name Min Adriel. The motive behind the harassment remains unknown.

"It was textbook bullying, plain and simple," Kyoya tells the reporter. "Physical altercations, threatening texts, psychological abuse... rather unbecoming of a seventeen year-old young man, isn't it?"

The target Min Adriel continued to suffer under Takahashi Rui's months, along with additional pressure from home life. Eight years ago, Adriel and his mother Min Mila were victims of the famous Karuizawa mall bombing that left many dead and/or injured. This was when Mila lost her life, Adriel lost both limbs on his left side, and Adriel's father Min Asher became the subject of alcohol addiction.

"It was always something I wondered about Adriel; why he never talked about his father," Kyoya recalls. "The reason seems so clear to me now"

Years of alcohol addiction landed Asher at Takahashi Hospital No.2 on May 21st, deep in comatose. With no other family members, Adriel was left to pay the weekly medical fee of ¥460572. To pay the bill, he took on several jobs, working three shifts per day on top of his scholarly writing studies at Ouran Academy.

Though unclear as to when, Takahashi Rui became aware of Asher's residence in Takahashi Hospital No.2. It was then that the story takes a much darker turn;

"The weekly paycheck was raised by 50%," Kyoya explains. "During this time, Adriel started selling his belongings to meet the bill. Within a month, he was homeless"

The evidence collected by the Ootori family concludes that the raise in fees was correlated to Rui's personal bias against Adriel. Through an audio recording, reporters listened as the voice of renowned doctor Ito Sato admitted to adjusting the bill under Rui Takahashi's orders.

"The audio clips state that Min Asher was guilty of unpaid check-ups in the past, therefore 'justifying' a raised bill now," Yoshio says. "However we must note that these cases of unpaid check-ups were proven to be a misunderstanding. Min Asher had his check-ups provided by medical insurance, and never bought the medication he was prescribed due to an allergic reaction. And even if he left his medical bills unpaid, how does this fall under Takahashi Hospital's promise of being fair and reliable? This would never happen at an Ootori hospital"

Then it gets even darker; Relaying the audio clips-provided by Kyoya Ootori- reveals that the hospital staff openly admits to refusing Asher medical treatment. Even after receiving bill payments from Adriel, Dr. Ito and staff laugh about how they refuse to give his father antibiotics.

This was, unfortunately, not the only time such was done before. Dr Ito had supposedly committed similar crimes in the past, racially profiling Aaron Wheeler and her mother Letecia Wheeler four years ago.

As stated in the audio clips, the hospital staff seem to have taken this course of action after Rui gave the order of the raised bill;

"Well not really, but he basically implied it," Dr. Ito responded. "He's the one that told me about Min-san's medical history, and told me to raise the expenses. Didn't tell me to refuse the medicine, but hey, that's just another plus, isn't it?"

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