The Marauders

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Trust people. Hmm. He trusted plenty of people. He had faith in his people. Especially those of his Order of the Phoenix. He frowned. Bella was rather close to the members of the Order. Especially the Marauders. Except Peter. He gave a small smile. She had good taste.

Peter was rather on edge around his daughter. And most people. He sighed. He had hoped that, with age and care that Peter would be able to grow to be a courageous man worthy of being a Marauder. Unfortunately, it seemed not to be the case.

Dumbledore turned the problem of Peter in his mind. There would need to be a big event to change Peter into a proper name.

But back to the problem of his daughter. The safest place was next to him, but he had other duties too.

Perhaps she could stay with Molly Weasley  - who had three children already– she probably would have the experience and instinct to look after his child. But then again, she was pregnant once more. He couldn’t ask that of her. Even though Molly did love Bella.

But Dumbledore couldn’t bear to let Bella out of his sight. It was too dangerous in these times.

But perhaps, instead, he could get someone to babysit here.


But he couldn’t leave Bella with just anyone. One person would never be enough to go against Voldemort. 

Bella did love the Marauders…

The Crazy Daughter of Albus DumbledoreWhere stories live. Discover now