The Monster

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It was big and green and scary – like the concoction of all Bella’s worst fears in one. Its skin was yellowy-green and lumpy and its face was a cross between a dinosaur and a dragon. It had long claws, but stood like a man. On its back were two very large wings.
It looked at her and hissed with its incredibly long tongue, and then breathed fire at her. She shrieked, and began running. Running and running and running. It was a miracle the creature didn’t catch her immediately, as she ran through the corridors, past the empty classrooms and corridors. She turned once more, hoping it wouldn’t catch her, because she was sure that when it did, she would die.

Professor McGonagall was teaching the third-years about Animagus’. She had already demonstrated her own transformation, and was getting into the theory of it, when a frightened five year old ran into her classroom. McGonagall frowned and opened her mouth, but Bella shook her head, and urgently put her finger to her lips. She was crying a bit too, McGonagall realised. Her students were a bit in shock, swapping looks and murmurs. McGonagall took a step towards the girl, and that’s when it appeared.  A strange lizard man thing. McGonagall’s mouth opened. No wonder the girl had been frightened. The students all jumped away from the creature, as McGonagall leapt forward. It hesitated for a second. And then  it began transforming. McGonagall’s eyes narrowed, as she brandished  her wand.
“Riddikulus,” she shouted,” Riddikulus.”
The Boggart vanished. 

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