Marauder Chat

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James ‘Prongs’ Potter looked over at Padfoot and smiled. “You’re bluffing.”

Padfoot smiled with false innocence. “Am I?”

Prongs scowled at him. “I’m calling your bluff.” He placed the cards on the table.

Padfoot grinned. “Not this time Prongs.”

James sighed as Sirius showed his cards. “You win again.”

Padfoot laughed. “Will you ever learn?”

Remus looked at them both. “Glad you’re both enjoying yourself. It’s not like there’s any great problem we need to be worried about.”

“We’re just having fun.” Sirius complained.

Moony sighed to himself and flicked the page of the book he was reading.

Lily Evans danced into the room. “Oh stop being silly Sirius. You’d think you’d have grown out of this stage by now. We’re not teenagers anymore.”

Sirius smiled at her. “Ah, you’re right. We’re men now.”

Lily rolled her eyes and leant over to kiss her husband. James smiled at her.

“Okay, fine we’ll stop.”

Lily smiled back. “Dumbledore will be here soon.”

Remus put aside his book. “I wonder what he wants.”

Lily frowned. “Think it has to do with him?”

There was a silent as the atmosphere darkened.

“Let’s not speculate,” James told her. She smiled back.

“Yes. Okay then.”

Lupin tapped on the table. “Where’s Wormtail?”

“Oh, he’s in bed, I think.” Lily said.

Sirius frowned. “He’s been sleeping a lot lately.”

Lily shrugged. “Poor thing. I think he’s scared.”

“We’re all scared,” Lupin murmured.

There was another silence.

Suddenly a noise cut through the air.

“Oh, there he is!” Lily said. 

The Crazy Daughter of Albus DumbledoreWhere stories live. Discover now