Belladonna Eleanor Ariana Dumbledore

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Belladonna Eleanor Ariana Dumbledore was not an ordinary girl by anyone’s standards. She was a witch. And not just any witch. She was the sole daughter of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

Not only had she inherited his mind and magical talent, she had inherited her late mother’s (Eleanor Maybell  Akery) good looks and charm. She was a beautiful talented young girl, with a secret. It seems she had inherited her aunt’s … mental instability. Although nowhere near the degree it affected Ariana Dumbledore, Belladonna was always a bit off. She didn’t have ‘attacks’ but her own personality was slightly warped. As such, her father kept her close to him – she spent most, if not all, of her early years in Hogwarts.

My story starts in 1977, when Belladonna was five years of age…

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