Living Room

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Bella looked up at her father with solemn eyes. On her waist was a small pouch which (with the help of some magic) contained all of her possessions.

Dumbledore gave her a reassuring smile as they waited.

“Dumbledore!” Lily said, opening the door.

Bella grinned at Lily. “Auntie Lil!”

Lily smiled. “Hello Belladonna. How are you?”

Bella shook her head. “Not well, I’m afraid.”

Lily suppressed a smile. “Why’s that?”

Bella looked at her feet and didn’t answer.

Lily gave an amused quizzical frown to Dumbledore. Dumbledore gave a small shake of his head.

“May we come in?”

“Of course,” Lily said, stepping aside. “We’re all in the living room. Except Peter, of course, but he’s hardly been around, sleeping so much.”

“Indeed,” Dumbledore responded, as he entered the house. Bella stuck out her lip before entering. She didn’t want to stay there. She wanted to stay with Dada. But he said she couldn’t. Why was that? Didn’t he want her anymore? She followed him into the living room. Lupin, Jamie and Snuffles were all there. They smiled and greeted her, but she refused to respond. She was mad at them too.

“So, what’s up?” Snuffles asked. He seemed okay, but his eyes were weird and darker than usual, and kept flicking to her.

It’s not my fault I’m here, she wanted to complain, but she didn’t, because she wasn’t a child. She was a big girl. So she’d just stay silent.

Dumbledore looked at the group. “I need you to look after Bella,” he said simply.

The Crazy Daughter of Albus DumbledoreWhere stories live. Discover now