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Bella liked Snuffles better as a dog.
She wouldn’t tell him that, of course.
Just like she never told Jamie that she preferred him as a deer. She just liked them as animals. She didn’t like real animals all that much though. And she definitely didn’t like Wormtail’s animal. Who would choose to be a rat?! Even if everyone told her he didn’t choose anything, that it was chance or whatever, it still annoyed her. If she was going to be anything, she would be a panther. Or maybe a black dog like Snuffles. Or a bird. Something fun. Not something small and stupid like a rat.
She shook her head, and then laughed as Sirius jumped into a pile of leaves. Autumn leaves were gorgeous though, she thought, and reached up and grabbed one. Snuffles came up and rubbed his nose against her dress.
She giggled and let the feather drop, and petted his head.
It was then Lily and James made their appearance. James had one hand wrapped around her waist. Bella swapped looks with Snuffles and they rolled eyes.
Bella rested her hand on his back, and waited for them to come close.
“Hello,” the two said in unison as they came close, and then they looked at each other and smiled, forcing Sirius into a bout of gagging. She giggled at his antics.
“Hello,” she responded after Sirius had stopped.
“What are you two doing?” Lily asked.
Bella shrugged. “Bored.”
Lily smiled and reached out a hand. “Come on then.”

The Crazy Daughter of Albus DumbledoreWhere stories live. Discover now