Fish Eggs

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Addison pov 

"Is this it?" I squinted as I turned into the parking lot and killed the engine. Are they even going to let me take her? I look..well..not motherly. To put it nicely. And they don't know me, am I allowed to just waltz in and take her? Isn't that kidnapping? Did Joon tell someone I was coming? 


"May I help you?"

"Hi, um, I'm here for Maddison Kim" 


"Addison Jones" 

She picked up her phone and after a few seconds hung up "here, sign these and we need your license plate number as well as a copy of your license" 

"O-okay" I signed my name, wrote my license plate number down, and handed her my drivers license 

"Addy!" I turned around and smiled as she ran to me she went to jump into my arms and stopped herself as she started to cry "I-I had an a-accident" 

Oh my fucking heart. 

"That's okay baby, come here" I picked her up anyway and held her in my arms 

"You're gonna get my pee on you" she pouted 

"You think I care about a little pee? Pssssh no biggie. I'm taking you home and I'll just steal some of daddy's clothes" 

"Is he mad at me?" 

"Of course not" I wiped the tears from her cheeks "hey..did you eat lunch yet?" 

"No" her lip quivered 

"After we get showered and changed, how about I take you to McDonald's? Hmm? Get some chicken nuggets and a toy?" 

"Yes please" she said softly as she nuzzled her head into my chest 

"Sorry, um Addison?"

"Yes?" I turned around to face a younger man, he looked to be about my age but he was balding

"I'm mister Cook, her teacher. I wanted to introduce myself to you since mister Kim gave you clearance to pick her up when needed" 

"Oh thank you" I shook his hand "I appreciate that" 

"Here's your license, feel better Maddison" the receptionist said as she walked away 

"Alright, well mister Cook thank you very much. Have a good day" 

"You too, take care. Bye Maddison!" He waved and I took her out to my car 

"No car seat?" She gasped 

"It's okay, it's just this one time" I waved it off and put her seatbelt on her. 

I drove so fucking slow. 
Terrified I was going to damage the precious cargo in my backseat as she sang along to the radio, by the time I made it to Joon's I was shaking like a leaf from my anxiety. 

I helped her shower and change into clean clothes before stripping my clothes off and cleaning up with soapy water before stealing an outfit from his dresser. I helped her brush her hair and put it up into a messy bun like mine making her smile 

Me: I'm taking her for a happy meal if that's okay? 
Namjoon: okay, in class, not trying to be short. 
Me: okay teach 😘 

"Do you have an extra car seat anywhere?" 

"Um.. I think in my room I have one in the closet in case of sleep overs" she quickly went back to playing with her barbies as I went to her room and checked the closet. Thankfully Joon had a new one sitting there untouched, I took it out and anchored it into my car 

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