Believe me

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I yawned as I curled up on the couch, Namjoon was getting Maddy ready for bed and I was exhausted from crying all day. I was still having a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that the sweet little girl that stole my heart loves me as a mom. She called me mommy on paper, and I know the day I hear her say it, I'll lose it all over again. 

"She's ready for you to tuck her in" Namjoon said softly with a smile from the stairs, I got myself up off the couch and walked into her room, making sure to smother her in hugs and kisses before following Namjoon into our room 

"I'm so tired" I mumbled as I sat down on the edge of the bed "I think I cried too much" 

He chuckled as he took his clothes off and put on a pair of pajama pants "that was" he shook his head "I hoped that it would happen. I just had no idea it would be so soon" 

"Is it too soon? Should we talk to her? Does it make you uncomfortable?" I felt myself getting nervous, but all he did was chuckle as he came over and sat next to me on the bed 

"Baby" he cooed as he wrapped his arms around me "Relax. I'm not uncomfortable with it at all, I want to marry you and spend my life with you, I don't see that changing" he shook his head "I'm beyond ecstatic over the fact that my girls love each other so much, and she sees you as her mom. I can't put into words how much that means to me, how much you mean to me. When you and I first started dating, I had told Jimin your relationship with Maddy meant more to me, and I meant that. You two from the very beginning have set your own pace together, and as long as the two of you are happy with that pace, then so am I" he kissed my forehead, making me smile as I tucked my head under his chin 

"Thanks Joonie"

"What are you thanking me for, you dork" he chuckled as he pulled one of my lip rings and popped my bottom lip, I have no idea when that habit started but he does it at least twice a day and each time I giggle like a goofball 

"For everything I guess" I smiled as he kissed the top of my head 

"I love you"

"I love you too" I smiled, it didn't last long, I let out a yelp as he pulled me backwards onto the bed, he laughed as he pinned me on my back 

"You need to be quiet or you'll wake up Maddy" he leaned down and kissed my neck, I wrapped my legs around his waist and clenched my thighs to squeeze him 

"I'll try" I smiled up at him, I lifted my head and kissed his lips softly, he pushed my head down into the pillow as he deepened the kiss and slid his tongue past my lips, he slid his hands up under my shirt and dragged his warm palms across my nipples before squeezing my breasts 

He pulled his lips away from mine and kissed down my neck before lifting my shirt, I sat up and helped him strip us of our clothes

"I can't get over how beautiful you are" he smiled making me blush 

"I can't get over how handsome and perfect you are" 

He chuckled before he leaned down and kissed my lips as he slid himself into me. 

"Wake up!" Maddy squealed as she climbed onto our bed, I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her and rolled her onto her side to tickle her, she giggled and failed around making Namjoon smile as he opened his eyes "stop! Stop!" She smacked at my hands making me laugh as I pulled away from her 

"Good morning princess" I smiled 

"Good morning" she cheesed 

"What's on our agenda today girls?" Namjoon asked as he sat up against the headboard  

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