Our girl

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Two months later

Namjoon POV

"But daddyyyyy" she pouted "it's my birthday and I want Addy to come" 

"I know baby, but listen, I'm taking you to the bowling alley, so we're gonna go have fun right?" I smiled at her in the rear view mirror, she crossed her arms and pouted 

"I want to bowl with Addy" 

"I know baby, but just trust me okay?" I smiled 

This was Addy's idea. A brilliant idea honestly, I was surprised...

"I'm not sure what to do for her birthday this year"

"Well, she said she wanted to go bowling..you could have a surprise party at the bowling alley? Invite her classmates? Your parents?"

"Plus, you, your parents, Jimin, and his boyfriend..Hoseok?"

"Really? Are you sure?"

"She loves your family as much as her own so yeah of course" I smiled and kissed her lips 

And now, here we are. 

It would have been easier if Addy had come with me to get Maddy from school, but someone needed to decorate for the party and she volunteered herself and bickered with me over it until I caved. 

I always cave. 

Now I find myself absolutely whipped for two girls. Both of them like to team up on me to get what they want, and I wouldn't have it any other way. How could I ever say no to either of them? 

Is it too soon to just marry her already? 

Yeah.. probably. 

But I can't see myself without her, it was scary in the beginning, but now, Jesus I can't believe I ever lived without her. And Maddy absolutely feels the same. Half the time she'd rather be with Addy then me, at first I was confused and couldn't understand, but then I realized that having a woman at home like a "mom" was something she had never experienced and apparently needed more than I had originally thought. 

I can never thank Addy enough for coming into our lives when she did, or what she does for the both of us. 

"Here we are" I smiled as I pulled into the parking lot, I put the car in park and checked my phone 

Babylove: everyone is here! And everything is all set up and ready for the birthday girl ♡ 
Me: we're here, be right in! Thank you again 
Babylove: don't thank me Joon ♡ 
Me: I love you

I hit send and then realized what I had just sent her. We haven't said that yet, I started to sweat as I fumbled with my seatbelt, I almost forgot to take the keys out of the ignition before getting Maddy out of the car my phone vibrated, I swallowed a lump in my throat and checked it 

Babylove: I love you too Joonie, now hurry up and get your sweet ass in here so I can kiss you and we can spoil our little girl 🥰🥰❤ 
Babylove: *your! Sorry! 

I chuckled as I felt my whole face turn red 

She loves me, she loves both of us. 

Our girl. 

Oh god, why the fuck did that have to feel so fucking good? 

Me: our girl.. I like that. Our girl. 

I sent it before I could rethink it, and smiled widely as I carried Maddy into the bowling alley 

"Why can't Addy come" she groaned as she buried her face into my shoulder 

Daddy, Maddy, and..Addy? Where stories live. Discover now