Hope for the best, expect the worst

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"I don't want to do this" 

"I know" I nodded as I intertwined our fingers and stared ahead at the big building. 

Today is the day. 

We had three months to prepare everything, Namjoon had me sit in with him and the lawyer and asked for my input on things, and now that the day was here he wanted me there for support. With Maddy in school for the day, the two of us were able to go to court for our girl. Today would hopefully be the day we find out what Ariana wants, and if she's willing to work with Namjoon and come to a solution. 

I took out all of my piercings, my hair was just plain black, I opted to cover the blue as to look more grown up, I wore a pencil skirt, a blue blouse, black pumps, my hair was up and curled in a high ponytail, and my make up was neutral. I wanted to make a good impression. Namjoon told me that they were aware of our relationship and the fact that I was originally his student. 

That terrified me. 

We didn't know if it would get brought up in court or used against us. 

With one last reassuring kiss on the lips, we tightened our hands and walked in through the door. We went through the metal detector and headed towards the courtroom, before we made it to the door, I saw her. 

Maddy looks nothing like her though, she is all Namjoon.

She was taller than me by a few inches, she was pale, and her hair was a light blonde. We wore almost matching outfits, the only difference being the shade of blue our blouses were. Her hair was down and wavy, showing off the different blonde highlights in her hair, and her make up looked a bit more caked on than I imagined. 

"Namjoon" she smiled softly, if she were a cartoon she would have hearts as eyes when she looked at him. 

She still loves him. 

Not that I blame her, but back the fuck up off my man. 

"Ariana" he said formally in his 'I'm a professor at a prestigious school so fuck off' voice that he likes to use when he means business 

"And you must be Addison" her smile faltered as she extended her hand for me to shake

"Yes, hello" I smiled and shook her hand 

"Namjoon has told me so much about you" she tried to sound sweet, but her eyes looked hurt. Did she really think he would want anything to do with her? After all of these years, giving up her child, leaving him on his own to raise a baby, and then out of nowhere just pop up and flip his life upside down? Moron. 

I might be a bit bitter. 

I chuckled as we lowered our hands, Namjoon was still holding my other hand tightly and mindlessly running this thumb over my knuckles 

"Well, if all parties are here, let's enter and proceed" her lawyer spoke up, saving us from any further awkwardness. 

We were seated at a long wooden table, a judge sitting on the end, Namjoon, his lawyer, and myself on one side, while Ariana sat across from us with her lawyer. The tension was thick and my nerves were vibrating through my entire body, but Namjoon's hand on mine kept me calm. 

They began with procedures, and speeches between lawyers and then everyone would get their chance to talk. 

Namjoon went first. 

"Look, I'm not the type of person to keep a parent away from a child. If Maddy has a chance at having a healthy relationship with her mother, and it's something that she wants, I will not say no. I didn't think she needed a female presence as much as she does, and although Addy basically lives with us and has taken on responsibilities, it isn't necessarily the same as having her mother. However, I will not just lie down and let you call the shots. You signed over your rights before she was even born, refused to hold her, refused to look at her, and told me that you regretted ever being intimate with me because of that 'thing' as you so nicely called our daughter. I can not and will not fathom that, excuse it, or forgive it. If you want your rights reinstated then you need to prove it to me. I have a list of things I want to see done before I even think about coming to an agreement. One of those, if we get there, will be Maddy's opinion. If she doesn't like you or has no interest in meeting you, getting to know you, any of that. I will say no automatically. She's a child, yes. But she knows who she likes and doesn't like and who she loves and feels as though she needs them in her life. I would also love an explanation as to why" 

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