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Namjoon and I stayed silent as he drove us to my apartment, we were both tired, relieved, a bit confused, but ultimately happy. He parked next to Jimin's car and followed me up to my apartment, we could hear Maddy giggling with Jimin and Hoseok before we even opened the door and it made both of us smile wide at each other as my hand gripped the doorknob. 

Maddy was sitting on Jimin's back as he trotted on all fours like a horse, she had a blanket wrapped around her like a dress and flowers in her hair, Jimin had a horn made out of tape on his forehead and Hoseok was what I could only assume to be a knight, the sight made Namjoon and I laugh our asses off 

"Silence!" Hoseok shouted "the king and queen have returned from their journey! Your majesties" he bowed making everyone laugh, Maddy clapped excitedly before holding onto Jimin's shirt 

"This way buttercup!" She kicked his hip making him laugh as he turned to face Joonie and I he whinnied like a horse making me laugh even harder as I took pictures on my phone "uncle Min and uncle Hobi are the bestest!!! Did you defeat the dragon daddy?"

"We did sweetheart" he smiled "She won't bother our kingdom anymore" he winked as Jimin and Hoseok cheered understanding the meaning behind his words better than the adorable six year old that was living her best life with my best friend. 

Later that night, Namjoon and I tucked Maddy into her bed, showered her in hugs and kisses and then laid in his bed together. 

"I was thinking" he mumbled into my chest, he had his arms wrapped around me, using me like a pillow, and I had one hand on his arm and the other carding through his hair and massaging his scalp 

"Uh oh" I giggled "what is going on in that big brain of yours Mister Kim?" He chuckled as he nuzzled his face further into my chest 

"We've been together for almost a year, you're graduating soon, Maddy and I absolutely love you, and I can't imagine that it's going to change. Ever. So with that said, will you move in with us? You're here all of the time anyway, and I think Maddy would be on cloud nine if she got to see you every single night and day" 

"Only Maddy?" I teased making both of us laugh 

"You caught me Miss Jones. I would too" 

This man. 

How did I get so fucking lucky? 

"Hmm..tempting" I giggled making him laugh as he lifted his head, resting his chin on my chest so he could look into my eyes "one condition"

"Anything" he smiled softly 

"You have to share your library with my art supplies" 

"How dare you" he gasped dramatically, making me laugh really hard before he broke out into the biggest smile I've ever seen on his beautiful face "of course my love. This is your home too" 

My heart. 

Jesus christ. 

I was thankful I was laying down and he was holding me, because in that moment I swore I would float away. My head was spinning as my heart raced and an indescribable warmth wrapped around my entire body. 

"Namjoon" I smiled

"Addison" he teased making me giggle 

"I love you" 

"I love you too" he slid upwards closer to my face and kissed my lips "more than I ever thought I could love someone else" he whispered before kissing me again, making my heart race faster. 

I woke up in the morning before both of them and made my way down to the kitchen, I started to make pancakes and decided to call my mom, ignoring the time and the fact that she'd probably still be sleeping 

"Hello?" She answered groggily 

"Hey momma" I smiled "I wanted to call and talk for a sec"

"This early?" She chuckled "something is either really good or really bad and considering the fact that you're not crying I'm going to assume it's good?"

"More than good" I giggled as I flipped the pancakes "we had court yesterday. She isn't allowed to see her and she has to leave Joonie alone" 

"That's wonderful! I'm so happy for him Addy"

"Me too" I smiled "and, he asked me to move in with them..I said yes" 

"You'd be stupid not to" she laughed "the three of you are so perfect together and love each other so much, I'm surprised the two of you haven't eloped yet" she laughed again making me laugh

"It's only been a year, not even" I giggled "I doubt he'd be ready to marry my ass, much less elope"  

"Would you though, if he asked?"

"If he asked me to elope? Like today?" I nibbled my bottom lip as I thought about it, it only took me a second and then I broke out into a shit eating grin "Absolutely I'd say yes in a heartbeat" 

"See? Who's to say he doesn't feel the same?"

"He might" I shrugged as I continued cooking "but he has to put Maddy first, so I'm willing to go as slow or as fast as he wants because I know everything he does, he puts her first. It's another reason I fell so in love with him" I smiled 

"Good morning" he mumbled as he walked into the kitchen making me jump and giggle as he hugged me from behind

"Good morning" I smiled 

"On the phone with mom?"

"I am"

"Hi mom" he mumbled into the phone making her chuckle 

"Good morning Joonie, I'll let you guys go and enjoy your morning. Love you guys"

"Love you too" we said back before I ended the call 

"So, wanna elope today?" 

I dropped the spatula 

"You uh, you heard that?" 

He chuckled against my skin and kissed my neck "I did" he let go so I could pick up the spatula and clean it before cooking the rest of the pancakes 

"Well, you know my mom i-"

"Addy!" Maddy ran into the kitchen, I laughed as I picked her up and kissed her cheek 

"Good morning princess. I made pancakes if you want to go sit down and I'll make you a plate" 

"This conversation isn't over miss Jones" he smiled before he sat down with Maddy at the table "and you little miss, I need to talk to you" 

"I didn't do it!" She squealed making me laugh and Joonie chuckle 

"I know, I did something though. I asked Addy to move in with us. Is that okay?"

"Did she say yes?"

"She did" he nodded 

"Then yes!" She screamed as she wiggled in her seat "I'm so happy!!! Addy is gonna live with us! Is this is a dream! Oh my god!" 

I had never been happier as I kissed the both of them goodbye and left for school. 

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