One hell of a woman

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"You look happy" 

"I am happy" I smiled as I sat outside in the grass with Jimin while we ate lunch and I drew another picture for Maddy 

"What's going on? Did I miss something?"

"Joon asked me to move in" I cheesed "and Maddy is so excited I thought she would pee herself before school" 

"Aww Ads!" He hugged me tight, making me laugh as he kissed my face all over "I'm so happy for you!!!" 

"Thank you" I giggled and kissed his cheeks 

"She is something else" he smiled "I can understand now why you fell for them so easily. They're lucky to have you"

"I'm lucky to have them too" I smiled "Joonie heard me talking to my mom about getting eloped, he cracked a joke about us eloping today but I was saved by Maddy" I chuckled 

"You don't want to?"

"I do" I looked up at him and smiled "but, I understand that Maddy comes first and it might be too soon for her. That's a lot of changes in a year" 

"Yeah, but it's not just random changes, or bad changes" he shook his head "it's amazing changes, and with you. She loves you as much as you love her. I think she'd be ecstatic"

"I know" I smiled softly and went back to drawing "but I also don't want her to feel uncomfortable" 

"Ads" he playfully punched my shoulder "for as much as you've grown in the last year, you're still a fucking moron" he laughed making me laugh "I better be your fucking best man. Whether it's getting eloped or having a giant ass wedding"

"Like I would want anyone else standing by my side" I rolled my eyes and threw some grass at him "How's hobi?"

"He's great" he melted as he smiled wide "let me just say if he asked me to marry him right now I'd also say yes" he chuckled making me swoon as I leaned against him and put my head on his shoulder 

"I'm so happy for you Min" 

"Thanks Ads" he rested his head on mine "we decided to stop having threesomes too. I know I told you we had invited this girl to join us, well, we kept bringing her back, and then all of a sudden Hobi had enough" I could hear the sadness in his tone "he used the safe word, we stopped, she left, and he cried. He told me, that it was different when he loved me..but he realized he was in love with me, and idea of either of us getting off with someone else, even while the other was involved was enough to break his heart" he chuckled "he was balls deep in this girl and was just like nevermind" he laughed making me chuckle 

"Not the most romantic way to tell someone you're in love with them"

"I guess not" he laughed "but it's so" 

"Awwww Miiiiin" I cooed as I wrapped my arms around him making him laugh 

"Enough mushy stuff" he shoved me away making my back hit the ground while we laughed 

"Everyone is gonna see my ass, you dick" I sat up

"They'll be blinded anyway, with your pale ass, the sun's gonna hit it and it's gonna fucking magnify it" 

"Rude!" I smacked him making him laugh harder 

"Did you talk to Namjoon about Sunday?"

"What's sunday?" 

"Mothers day brunch? Your mom, us, hopefully Joon, Maddy, and his mom? Your mom literally texted us about it" he pulled out his phone and showed me the group chat where I said I'll bring it up to Joon and his mom

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