I Do ♡

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Two years later 

“This is it, I can’t believe we’re doing this, I’m so excited I feel like I’m going to puke!”

“Min, calm the fuck down, you’re not even the one getting married!”

"It sure as hell feels like I am! I'm gonna be sick" 

"Breathe and relax, and for the love of God pull tighter" he was trying to lace up and tie my corset for me that I wanted to wear under my dress for after the wedding, a nice surprise for Joonie. 

"Suck it in then bitch"

"I am! Pull!"

"Mommy!" Maddy ran into the room 

"Oh my god! You look so beautiful baby!" I cooed, her dress was made to match mine, grey and white with silk flowers, lace, and diamonds with just the right amount of puffiness. She looked like a princess. My mom and Namjoon's mom helped her get dressed while Min and Hobi helped me, we both had to hide our dresses from Namjoon because we were matching and if he saw hers he'd know what mine would look like. She wore white stockings under hers with grey flats, while I wore hidden black fishnets under mine with grey and silver flats. I was not going to wear heels, stumble my ass down the aisle and make a fool of myself at the reception. Nope. 

My mom and Mrs Kim walked into the bridal suite and my mom was already teary eyed as she fanned over me and cooed about her little girl growing up. 

"Mom! Stop making her cry!" Jimin said with a smile as he playfully hit her with his handkerchief 

"I can't help it!" She yelled back with a laugh

"Namjoon looks so handsome, but he's so excited, he keeps dropping everything, stuttering over his words, and couldn't walk a straight line if his life depended on it" his mom laughed and rolled her eyes 

"Daddy is silly when he's nervous" Maddy chimed in with a giggle showing off her missing front teeth 

"That he is" his mother laughed making me laugh as Jimin and Hobi tried to get me in my dress 

"You look so beautiful already Ads" Min smiled as he pecked my cheek, his own eyes looking glassy and watery 

"Thanks Min" I smiled and kissed his cheek "I love you" 

"I love you too" he wrapped his arms around me as Hobi started taking pictures

"Miss Jones, guests have all arrived and been seated, we're down to the last ten minutes" the assistant smiled "you look so beautiful!" She cheesed wider 

"Thank you" I smiled as my mom placed my veil in my hair, Maddy and I both had braided updos, showing off our matching hair colors, her brown hair with silver underneath, and my black hair with silver underneath to match our dresses. 

"Are you ready mommy?"

"More than ever baby" I held her hand as we left the bridal suite and made our way to the chapel. 

Namjoon's father walked Maddy down the aisle, she stood on my side while his father stood as his best man. 

Hobi and Jimin walked down, Hoseok stood behind Mister Kim, while Jimin stood next to Maddy as my man of honor. 

And finally, my arm wrapped tight around my father's bicep, the music started and when I turned the corner and walked down the aisle I saw Namjoon. 

I gasped as I took in the sight of him waiting nervously for me with a wide smile on his face, when we locked eyes we both took in a sharp breath that was visible to everyone around us, our eyes watered as we smiled softly at one another until my father kissed my cheek and placed my hand in Namjoon's. 

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