Chapter 2

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3rd Person POV

-Time Skip-

As they approached the lodging house 4 boys smoking cigars came into view.

"Lets mes do da talkin, if youse wanna stay here da odda boys gotta want ya to be heres." Jack stated as he walked towards the bunch surrounded by smoke.

"Smile and nod," she mumbled under her breath, apparently not quiet enough because Jack gave her a smug look that said, 'ya you better smile and nod'.

"Eh Eh Jackie Boy, whos the goil?" Race said as he took a drag of his cigar.

"This is Jo, Ise saved her from da bulls, she's pretty street smart for bein a goil-"

"Look Jack Ise told ya once and Ise gonna tell youse again, jus because Ise a goil dont have anting ta do wit da fact Ise good on tha streets." she interrupted.

"Well, befores Ise was so rudely inta'rupted Ise was gonna say, 'for bein a goil dats only lived on da streets for 3 days.'" Jack retorted.

She let out a "hmph" as her cheeks turned a bright red. Jack kept talking to the boys as her mind wondered. She looked at each of the boys and studied all of them closely. Race had brown eyes with almost jet-black hair, he was short and had crooked teeth that held his cigar. Kid Blink the boy to the left of Race had blond hair that needed to be cut with an eye patch covering his left eye, he towered over Race. To the left of Blink was Skittery, Skittery had brown messy hair with brown eyes, he was also taller than Race. To the left of Race was a tall buff boy with curly hair named Mush, he was about the same size as Skittery.

She was pulled out of her thoughts as Jack dragged her into the Lodging House.

"MR. KLOPPMANN, where's ya, wese got a new... poison in da lodgein house!" Jack yelled.

"Whadya means wese got a new poison-, well Jack youse didnt tell mese dare was a lady in da room," scolded Mr. Kloppmann.

"Why should Ise when she's gonna be livin wit us?" Jack asked.

"Whadya mean she gonna be livin with us, shes a goil?" all of the boys motioned from behind Jo to shut up, but it was too late.

"Yes, Ise a goil. And Ise aint afraid to bunk with no boy's hell, Ise been forced to do wor-," she accidentally let slip out of her mouth.

All the boy's eyebrows went up, but knew not to ask, Mr. Kloppmann understood and decided to let her stay and become a newsie.

-Time Skip-

"Alright fellas listen up tis is Jo, she's gonna be a newsies, if any of ya touch her... I'll soak ya." Jack yelled to the 20 or so boys that filled the large room. About 12 bunks lined the room. "alright" he said in a regular volume, "youse gonna sleep in tis bunk under Race, Ise gonna give you some clothes for tomorrow and some stuff to sleep in. Ise gonna wake you up early to teach ya how to sell papes in tha morning so ya best get some sleep. Oh, and Jo youse gonna have to act like a boy when youse on the streets."

"What why?" this caught her attention.

"Because whoseva ya hidin from is gonna be able ta recognize ya if ya a goil and we dont want that now do wese?" he said blatantly

"no," she said in a horse whisper.

Jack could tell he scared her, so her came over and gave her a hug and went off to his bunk 2 rows down.

That night she tossed and turned trying to get comfortable like she had the past 3 nights. It had been an adjustment, not having to be used every night. As much as she didn't like it, and was glad it was out of her routine, it was still unusual to be safe from the arms of her father.

Race noticed her tossing and turning and couldn't take it anymore. He quietly jumped down from his bunk and knelt beside her. There was a terrified look on her face.

"Please don't hurt me," she squeaked.

"I aint gonna hurt ya," Race spoke as his heart broke, the confident girl from earlier was gone, and in her place was a horrified little girl. "Ise just realized youse was tossin and turnin alot and was wonderin if ya needed ta clear your head, we could go up to da roof? Ise won't try anything, wese can just talk."

Jo's POV

I was terrified I didn't know what to do, I didn't know these boys that well but they all seemed relatively nice, so I just slowly nodded. I was grateful that Race got the message when I didn't take his hand, he didn't get mad or act betrayed, he simply pulled it back and headed towards the fire escape. I followed closely behind not wanting to make too much noise.

When we reached the roof, he sat down on the edge overlooking Manhattan. I sat down next to him as the subtle breeze moved my hair.

"Ise didn't mean to keep ya awake, Ise sorry," I said

"Ehh Ise probably woulda been awake anyway don't worry." he brushed it off but I could tell he was tired.

"Youse can go back ta bed Race, I'll be alright, its jus an adjustment." I knew he wouldn't buy this but I had to try.

"Nah it's alright Jo, Ise don't mind," he yawned back.

"So, where ya from Race?" I asked

"Ise from Brooklyn but Ise moved eah when me pa died," he said as he looked down to his lap to fiddle with his fingers.

"Ise sorry, Ise shouldn't of asked," I say with remorse.

"Nah it's alright every newsies gotta story most of dem are worse than mine," he says it like its nothing but you can tell he wishes it weren't true.

We spend another hour talking and getting to know each other, I tell him a few things about my past. Not too much but you can see him ball his fists and get protective when I mention my father. I could tell he and Jack were gonna be like my brothers and I was ok with that, I was ok with finally having a happy family.

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