Chapter 5

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Races POV

"She shoulda been home by now Jack," I was getting anxious, Hatten was better than any other burrow but it was still unsafe for a lady to be out at this time of night. She could be in an alley, beaten, murder, raped, the possibilities were scary.

"Ise know she shoulda been Race, goes and getcha hat, wese going to look for Jo, ANYONE ELSE WANNA GO LOOK FOR JO!?" Jack screamed to the rest of the world.

Everyone started to leave, even the little ones, they had taken a liking to Jo, but started running when they saw her limping towards them.

"JO, JO, what append? Whose did tis, Ise swear I'll kill em!" I vowed; those bastards were gonna pay no matter what.

"Ise think dere names was Oscar and Morris, but don't worry Race, you won't have to, some guy already did." she replied trying to calm me down. I was worried about her, I mean I think I love her, but not in that way? I think I loved her like she was my sister. Wait, did she say Oscar and Morris? Like Oscar and Morris Delancey? OHOHO they are gonna be dead soon.

"Whadya mean Oscar and Morris, were day real nasty lookin fellas?" Jack said finally picking up on what she said. The fire lit in his eye the same as mine did a few seconds ago. A few other newsies started to crowd around her. Each one look ready to murder the Delanceys.

"Ya day were, Ise don't eva wanna see dem again," she was crying? I mean I knew she had taken a few beating before bu- WAIT, her father didn't just beat her. I leaned down to right by her ear making her flinch a little and whispered,

"did theys touch youse?" the look in her eyes were all the answers I needed. I looked around walking over to the nearest poll picking it up and storming towards Weasles house. Jack came along like he understood what that meant, we stormed into their house not caring who we woke.

"OSCAR! MORRIS! Ya betta get your asses out here before Ise drag ya out!" I screamed,

"What the hell are ya doing here Racetrack! Come to play?" Morris this is not the time to be taunting me.

"Oh, wese came ta play, jus like youse decided ta 'play' with Jo, but it might hoit a tad bit more dis time!" I'd never seen Jack this mad; it was like he had steam coming out of his ears.

"Whadya mean, wese aint hoit any of youse boys name Jo." Oscar replied.

"Dats because dis wasn't one of our boys, dis was our sista," I started towardsOscar with my poll and Jack started soaking Morris, every word we said to them was another hit, another blow, another punch.

Once we were done, they were just barely conscious, we left them laying there, and started to go home.

When we got there Jo was on the bed with Mush and Skittery guarding her bunk.

3rd Person POV

Jack and Race walked over to her bunk, motioning for her 'guards' to leave. The minute they sat down at the bottom of her bunk Jo jumped into their arms and started to let go of all the tears she had been holding in. The boys didn't know how to react, they didn't know how to comfort a girl, so they just wrapped their arms around her and held her.

That night, they talked and held her. She stayed in their laps just soaking in her new brothers. Jack wanted to go to Santa Fe, he said his parents were out west looking for a place to live. He talked about this place with so much passion and, like it's his heaven. Jo wished she had a place like that to look forward to, but right now she was just looking for tomorrow.

Race on the other hand want to live here the rest of his life, he said

"Ise wanna live here foreva so Ise neva to far from the Sheepshead."

He loved watching and betting on the horses, he liked the adrenalin of waiting to see which horse would pull through at the last second, which horse would trip right before the finish line. It was strange how he goes there so often and still loses a lot of money, but that doesn't keep him from winning it all back from the newsies. If you knew Race, you wouldn't bet, gamble, or play poker with him. Everyone swears he cheats, but there is no evidence to say he does.

Finally, everyone was asleep. Except Jo

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