Chapter 8

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Jo's POV

It was finally time to go back to Brooklyn! I was both nervous and excited. I hadn't seen Spot in a year and I told him I would visit, but I just never got around to it. I decided it would be best if I kept my cap on to see if he would recognize me. Also, because no one else knew I knew Spot, so if I walked in there like everyone knew I was a girl Jack would be suspicious. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Davie said,

"I've never been to Brooklyn, have you?" before I could answer Boots saved me from telling the story. Lord Praise Boots!

"I spent a month there one night," What does that even mean? That's not how it works.

Suddenly Jack and Boots were on the side of the bridge screaming at the top of their lungs. I didn't like how far they were leaning over. The walk to the end of the bridge was fine, Jack and Boots were messing with Davie, trying to scare him with stories about the Great King of Brooklyn. Reaching the end of the bridge we walked for about another 5 minutes to some docks. There was lots of boys swimming and jumping into the water. Most of them were shirtless, showing off the muscles of Brooklyn. One came up to us and said,

"Goin somewhere Hatten?"

"Yes, as a matta of fact, howdya know?" I retorted. His face turned red and he tried to step towards me, but not before Jack stood in front of him.

"Well, if it aint Jack be nimble, Jack be quick," an all to familiar Brooklyn accent said. Spot. He was perched up on a tall crate about 7 or 8 feet in the air. I stared at him, taking in the sight of him once again after about a year. He still had his cane, slingshot, suspenders, ya know the famous red ones. I checked each feature off in my mind.

He jumped down from his perch and walked over to Jack to spit shake, Jack happily obliged with his usual smile. Spot the turned to acknowledge Boots who was standing next to Jack.

"Heya Boots how's it going?" he asked as Boots outstretched his arm revealing a mound of pebbles.

"Got a couple of real good shooters here," he said waiting for Spot to grab one, which he did.

He placed the smooth pebble into his slingshot and started to take aim. Davie, who had been silently watching from afar, flinched and moved out of the way. Did he really think Spot would waste a perfect shot on him? I chuckled at his terror, he gulped as Spot released the band and hit a glass bottle effortlessly. Spot sent a quick smirk in my direction when I chuckled.

"So Jackie boy Ise been hearin thing, little boidies been chirping in my ears. Jackie Boys newsies playin like theyse going on strike," Spot said with a very unbelieving tone.

"We aint playin Spot," Davie said.

I know this isn't the time to be thinking about this, but all I could do was wonder why he had completely avoided acknowledging Davie and I. I mean I know he had seen us, but he was purposefully ignoring us? Inside I knew it was because he didn't know us and couldn't trust us yet. The first time I had met him, it was like he had a protective shield hiding those beautiful blue eyes. I assumed it was just because he had just soaked the Delancey Brothers but I had now realized, it was a shield, but not one for fighting, one for hiding emotions and keeping a cold mask, never letting it slip, never showing any sign of weakness. He had probably got hurt or betrayed by someone he trusted before.

"Oh yeah, yeah, what is this Jackie Boy some kinda walking mouth?" Spot asked his voice laced with disgust.

'Yeah, it's a mouth, a mouth wit a brain and if ya got half of one you'll listen ta what hes got ta say," I said, I wasn't scared of him. Since the last time I saw him he had changed, he was much cockier and more uptight.

"hmpf," was all he said clearly not wanting to engage in my antics.

Spot sat down on a nearby crate nodding his head waiting for him to continue. Although I was so very 'interested' in hearing them talk business I couldn't help but get distracted by the busyness of the docks. I watched boys continue to play in the water, men unloading cargo, small newsies playing a game of cards. I watched carefully just enjoying the view until they were done. When they finally were, I hopped of the post I had been sitting on to walk off the dock.

But I couldn't help but see that arrogant newsies from earlier walk past so I slightly stuck my foot out to 'accidentally' trip him.

"Ise gonna soak ya for dat" he angrily stumbled towards me giving me a nice shinner on my left cheek. I heard a few 'gasps' and 'ooos', but I had just assumed it was because he punched me, I didn't realize what was happening till I heard Spot say,

"Josie?" before I could respond,

"Josie!??" Jack said in utter shock.

"Heya Spot though it might be time Ise paida visit," I said trying to slightly defuse the tension with a small smile.

"WHAT! Whatdya mean 'time ya paida visit'. Youse know da fucking King of Brooklyn and didnt tell mese." Jack screamed. It was all coming apart now might as well tell the truth.

"Yeah, Spot is da one who's saved mese from da Delancey's Jack, calm down" I said irritably

"Jo wese leaving, NOW!" Jack was outraged.

"Actually JACK, my original plan was ta come talk to em, but Ise had decided against cause it had been a year in all, but now Ise think Ise wanna talk ta Spot for a bit." I spat back; he wasn't going to control me.

"Aha dere aint no way in hell Ise letting youse stay here." he demanded. I did not like the tone he took with me; it was making me annoyed.

"JACKIE!" I screamed so everyone heard the nick name, "Youse may be my 'brudda' but as far as Ise concerned youse aint got no tell in what ISE do," I stuck my finger on my chest, then quietly whispered, "plus, Ise might be able to get Spot ta join... wit a lil persuasion." I knew I wasn't helping my case but the look on Jacks face was priceless.

"Ay Jackie Boy let er stay for a lil fun," I could hear the smirk from behind me.

"Spot I swear ta god if she comes back like the last time she came here Ise wont only be soakin da Delancey's," Jack warned, but this just made Spot even more pleased with the effect it had on Jack.

"Don't worry Jackie she'll only come back dat way if she wants too." I was feeling courageous so I just laughed along with some of the other boys at his statement.

That was it, Jack had had enough, he picked me up, tossed me over his shoulder, and started walking off the dock.

"JACK KELLY! Put. Me. Down. N.O.W! It's nice when you do this in dat mornin but not right now. I swear to god Jack!" I was screaming and kicking, landing a few good punches on his back.

"Nope." was all he said as we left. I was not match for Jack when he held me like this. Normally I could beat him, he's the one who taught me all the tricks, but not when he had me like this.

Challenger, A Spot Conlon Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now