Chapter 9

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Jo's POV

Jack carried me all the way back to the lodging house without saying one word to me. Davie and Boots stayed silent as well. He looked straight ahead and made sure to avoid the harsh glare of my eyes. When we got to the lodging house most of the boys were there, seeing as they weren't working. They all looked at Jack and I.

"Jack, why youse carrin Jo?" Race asked.

"Ise dont know Jo whys I carrin ya?" Jack had the most accusing tone he could muster.

"Cause youse a jackass," I sassed back.

"Oh ho ho so Ise da jackass? Why dontcha tell da boys who youse know?" Jack questioned.

"What's he talkin bout Jo, whose ya know?" Blink raised his eyebrows up and down.

"Well... Ise know dis guy he's from Brooklyn, and last year he saved me from da Delancey's, but ya see dis guy's name is umm its, Spot Conlon," I whispered the last part but it seemed everyone heard.





"Enough!" I yelled into the crowd, "Ise not 4 Ise 15 Ise can take care of meself, so if ya don't mind Ise goin ta Brookl-"

"FELLAS under no circumstances is Jo allowed ta go ta Brooklyn!" Jack announced to the whole house.

They all nodded in agreement and started going back to what they were doing.

"Wow Jack, Ise thought you trusted me," I sighed and looked away.

"It not you Ise don't trust, its Spot, you don't know him like we do," he put a hand on my shoulder but I just shrugged it off.

"Maybe I don't and maybe that's a good thing dontcha think?" I called back as I walked up the stairs. I mean I know I only met Spot once but don't you think he at the very lease deserves a chance to screw it up. He did save me, carried me all the way to Manhattan, and didn't tell anyone about what happened. I wasn't going to let them decide that for me. I am going to Brooklyn.

That night I stayed in my bunk listening to all the boys around me. I knew they were watching me, Jack would whisper something then someone would "inconspicuously" walk by, like I had got up and walked away. When they were all finally asleep in bed, I slowly crept out of mine, put my hair up and headed towards the fire escape. I pushed the window up very carefully trying not to let it creak and wake up the boys and entered the nightlife of New York.

Getting to Brooklyn was a little bit harder at night because I had to duck into alleys and backways to avoid all the drunks. Once I was om the bridge it was a bit scarier, I mean there is not many places to duck and hide, it was a bridge. I made off the bridge with only a few cat calls and whistles, nothing physical.

I was almost to the docks when I saw 2 boys standing on each side of the entrance. The looked like really board newsies. One of them was smoking a cigar while the other buffer one was flipping a checker in his hand. Each one looked like they could pack a punch and beat me in a fight but I wasn't too worried, and who said we would need to fight. As I approached the dock the stiffed up and looked like real guards.

"What da ya want newsie?" the one who was previously playing with a checker growled.

"Ise need ta speak ta Spot,"

"Whose said Spot want to speak to you?"

"Look bud Ise don't care if he wants ta speak ta me, Ise going ta speak ta him so move out of my way." I sassed back.

He didn't like that. He lunged at me knocking me to the ground.

"You don't know who you're talking too, Ise neva lost a fight." he spat in my face.

"Well, Ise hate ya break it ta ya but youse about ta." I smirked back as I flipped us around and pinned him to the ground and gave him a nice soakin... before somebody pulled me off.

"Wow Doll lots changed in da past year," I felt his breath in my ear.

The guard started to get up,

"Good job Checkers youse just got soaked by a Hatten goil," Spot chuckled. Apparently, my hat came off.

"Fuck off Spot!" Checkers growled. I deeply inhaled and wait for Spot's reaction. When I first met him, I thought the 'King' title was just him being cocky, but after everyone being scared to go to Brooklyn today, because he was 'the most respect and feared newsies in all of New York' I don't think he was kidding.

His posture changed immediately, he stiffened up and pulled out his cane, and put it under Checker's chin.

"Say. That. Again. and Ise otta soak ya," his voice was so calm and serious it made me step back.

"Ise sorry Spot," Checkers was quick to realize what he had done, he immediately apologized and ran away along with the other guard. Leaving Spot and I alone.

"Hey Spot," I smiled.

"Hey Josie, watcha doing heah Jackie Boy's gotta have his knickers in a twist." he smirked

"Hmm maybe Ise jus wanted ta come visit ya Spotty," I said with puppy dog eyes.

"Wanted ta eh?" he smirked "Ise tink youse just couldn't say away afta seeing me again."

That's when I realized he still had his hands around my waist.

"Spot," I said pushing away from him, "Ise aint da same goil youse saved las year, Ise know how ta fight an Ise don't need ya to save mese anymore but..." I smiled getting close to his ear, "Ise don't mind getting carried home, an Ise tink Ise might like that little nickname Spotty."

He didn't expect that his cheeks turned a little red before he remembered who he was.

"Youse gonna pay for dat," he said with a glint in his eye.

Challenger, A Spot Conlon Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now