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"Let's go back to school shopping!" Me and my sister Kitty are watching 'Orange Is The New Black'. She's actually not allowed to watch this but dad isn't home so...Who gives a fuck?

"Are you crazy?" I looked at her with a laughing-disgusted look.
"Y/n, school starts in like, a week we need to get ready! Well I need to get ready, I'm literally going to middle school!"
"And I'm going to be a junior! So it really doesn't matter, does it?" I waited for a response from her sister. Until my other sister came from upstairs.

"She's right Y/n, you're almost a senior you need to be responsible and look good! And dad did say you can have a boyfriend this year!"
I chuckled at the word 'boyfriend' "I don't need a boyfriend"

"You're not the quirky-y/n you think you are." My sister replied.
I looked annoyed. I stomped upstairs to my messy ass room. I looked around for something, a small box.

I found it! On my shelf behind my video games! The small box was cyan with a red top and a white ribbon. I opened it. All I saw were letters, but to who?

Those letters were for the girls I had crushes on in elementary-middle school. I never sent them. I only wrote them to express my feelings and my boredness. Nobody knows about these letters but me.

I opened it. I took the all the letters out and stared at them. Why did I write these? Imagine if THEY read these. I took one of the letters and saw

"To: Sooyoung Ha.
From: Y/n L/n.

I opened the letter.

'Ha sooyoung. I know this is weird because... you're one of my friends but every time I'm around you, I get this feeling and I shouldn't be having this feeling. I always want to be around you and I want you to always be around me. But you're so busy with those stupid white boys who play basketball and you're playing with them on that stupid basketball court. I'm happy you made the team though!'

I couldn't read it anymore because it was so cringe and ewwww... I was in like, 5th grade so of course I acted like I was in Victorious. I know Sooyoung would never feel the same way! And her girlfriend is Elly.

"Y/N!!!" My sister screamed loud as fuck banging on my door. I quickly put the letters away.
"What were you doing?"
"Nothing! It's almost midnight, why are you yelling and shit!?"
"Because we were supposed to be watching a scary movie!"

The door bell downstairs made noise. Margot went to the door and peaked threw the hole. It's her girlfriend! Jinsol...
Margot screamed in excitement she hugged her girlfriend so tight. But behind her she saw dad pulling up.

Dad doesn't have a problem with us having a significant other or anything he just doesn't want anything to happen to us. He's perfectly fine with Jinsol though.

Everyone started to dig in there food at the dinner table.
"So, Margot your girlfriend has a special surprise for you!" Dad looked right at Jinsol with a smirk. Jinsol smiled "Well I know you wanted to go do college in New Zealand and..."

She pulled out a plane ticket. Margot's smile faded away when she saw it. Mine also faded I expected Margot to be jumping around in her seat.

"Did you buy this?" Jinsol nodded in a confused look. Why isn't she smiling? "Dad, everyone, me and Jinsol will be outside having a talk." She grabbed Jinsol's hand and went into her car.

Me and my sister put our dishes away and got ready for bed. I looked out the window to see Jinsol and Margot arguing and yelling at each other. I'm confused, why didn't Margot want to go?

It was Saturday morning and me, dad, and Kitty took Margot to the airport for New Zealand. We hugged cried and hugged some more.

"DON'T use any of my stuff and DON'T go in my room without calling me and D-" "I know" Me and Kitten said at the same time trying to hush Margot up. She walked up to us with a smile and said "I'm gonna miss all of you, I'll be back for Thanksgiving."

We all smiled and hugged again. We waved Margot goodbye and waiting until she got on the plane.

While we were back home I've decided to look at my letters once more.
I opened the small box again and rumbled my fingers in there. I picked a letter up and read the name.

'Jung Jinsol'

I gasped and slapped my hand on my forehead. Why did I have a crush on my sister's girlfriend? Why! Why! Why!
I read the letter and barfed.

To All The Girls I've Loved Before.Where stories live. Discover now