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i saw yves coming to my car. she opened the door and saw my face it looked obvious i was looking stressed. "you good?" she asked. i looked at her and put on a fake smile "yeah.." "we don't have to do-" this time I interrupted her. "no no i want to do this"

at home

i got a text and saw that it was heejin.

heejin: do you have time for us to talk?
y/n: sure what's up?
heejin: i'll call you.

i placed the phone to my ear and said a basic hello. "so about the other day? i got a-" "was it a letter?" "ye-" i took a deep breath. "listen jeon this is going to be a rollercoaster." i explained the whole thing and i thought she wouldn't believe me but she did..

"holy shit i'm sorry for misunderstanding i- i wasn't asking you out i just wanted to know why you sent... this" "it's fine i have to explain it to the people i sent the letters to tho"

an idea popped up in my head...

"hold on heejin i have to go" i hung up and went to instagram. why not make a group chat and confront them? i added everyone EXCEPT yves, jinsoul, chuu, and heejin. i typed "hey guys i didn't mean to send those letters just now, my sister sent them, those letters were shit i wrote years ago." it looks like hyunjin, haseul, yeojin, vivi, kimlip, gowon, and hyeju seen them.

i sighed and relief. now i got that cleared

the next day
me and yves are walking down the hallways together, like couples right?
"so you know that field trip we're going on the weekend, are you coming?" i thought about it for a second. will it be boring? "there's a party aft-" "YES!" i immediately responded because i love parties wtf.

i was in my class sitting next to jiwoo. "are you coming to the party this weekend, well it's not a party it's more like a field trip but there's a party afterwards and mrs tiffany thinks it's just a school party or something!" i blinked slowly. WHAT DID SHE SAYYYYY.

"tell me the plan" i whispered. jiwoo got up her seat and sat next to me. "so, basically reanna told mrs tiffany that we're having a 'study party' at this house but in reality we're having a BIG party!" i was confused how did mrs tiffany even believe that? what if she knows and she wants us in trouble. i got annoyed by my thoughts, i'm ruining the mood...

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