Not you...

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It's Monday and I'm going to school...

Spring break was okay nothing really exciting.

"Dad said you have to drive me to school and pick me up!" I widened my eyes, I'm TERRIBLE at driving I didn't really pay attention in my learning how to drive days. I was day dreaming about... things the whole time!

I put my bookbag down and walked over to him."Dad. Dad!" "Yes?" "Why can't you take us to school?" I'm trying to look imitating right now. "Well you're a junior, you have your own license, and you know how to drive! Right?" I calmed down at his words. I didn't want him to know I can barely drive, he could take the car from me.. "Yeah sorry I'm just..." I am a terrible actor I thought to myself "it's okay honey school is going to be okay!" He put up a thumbs up.

Me and Kitty walked to my car. "You got everything?" I asked her "Yup!"
I was about to reverse until I heard a "WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH!" I stopped the car making me and Kitty move back in forth in our seats.

I looked behind me and saw Jinsol waving, now she's walking up to my window.
"Calm down Y/N L/N! Do you know how to drive?" I looked at her in a awkward smile and nodded my head no in a joking way. I think she took it seriously...

"So, why are you driving? Here!" She opened my door and went into the drivers seat. Kitty wasn't getting up from her seat so, I guess I'll sit in the back..
"I can take you guys to school, we go to the same school anyways!" I nodded with a smile. She's helpful actually. I don't want to crash today...

We both got out of our car after dropping Kitty off.
"Thanks for the ride" I went up to Jinsol's window. She opened the car's door. "No problem! Do you know where your class is?" I nodded and she left to the other side of the school. I sighed and looked at the school's sign. Then i felt someone jumping on my back like a fucking monkey.

"Y/N HEY!" I already knew who it was, it's my cute friend Jiwoo"
"Jesus christ you scared me!" Jiwoo chuckled and we went into the school's hallways.
"Was that you and Jinsol? Where's your sister?" She's nosy as hell...

"Yeah that was Jinsol. My sister went to New Zealand for college, she'll be back for thanksgiving though." Jiwoo made a 'O' face with her mouth. Then she looked forward and gasped.
"Y/n look!" I squinted and my heart dropped.

Elly and Yves. Flirting with each other in the school hallway

"Yikes..." Jiwoo whispered. "I mean, I don't... I don't really care, I don't have a crush on her anymore to be honest" That was a fucking lie.

"Oh my god! Jiwoo and Y/n welcome back!" Me and Jiwoo said hi at the same time. Then I accidentally made eye contact with Yves. Elly noticed. "Yves you remember Y/n and Jiwoo right?" Yves nodded she stopped making eye contact with me and put it on Elly. "Yeah... we were in that friend group in like middle school, and now she's in my chemistry class!"

I chuckled. It looks like Elly thought I was flirting with her. I was. "Wait Y/n, you know me and Yves are uh... thing! I know you don't care I just like telling everyone our business!" She laughed but also had a death glare on me. "I know, I can tell..."
The bell rung, Jiwoo took my hand and waved goodbye to the two of them.

After that class I went to lunch. Unfortunately, Jiwoo didn't have lunch with me because of her fucking schedule. I didn't want to sit alone so I went to the library. I ate my food too loud so, the teacher told me to leave.

I went to the bleachers and saw Jinsol. It wouldn't hurt to sit with her right?
"Hey!" I said putting my food and bag down. Jinsol had her headphones in but she still heard me. She took them off and looked at me with a smile. "Hey! Why aren't you with your friends?" "She has a different schedule than mine" I pouted. "That suuuucks! Can I get some?" I didn't even get to answer she just put her big ass hands in my Cheetos and put them in her mouth.

This day is finally coming to an end. I got in my car, started it, put some music on, and got my seatbelt. I sighed and tried to reverse.

But, again.

"JESUS?!" I heard someone yell and their voice sounded familiar. I looked back and saw Yves. I quickly put my head in the car and looked down with both of my hands on the wheel. I breathed heavily because that's fucking embarrassing.

She came to my window and sighed. "You know you have to look back when you're about to reverse, you know that right Y/n?" I nodded not looking at her at all. "Do you know how to drive?" I nodded. Then I looked at her, she knew I was lying. The I mouthed "No."

"Get out the car." I looked at her again, confused. "Get our the car." She said it again. I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the door. She got in and signaled me to get in. What is she doing?
"You're going home right?" I nodded yes. Wait I have to pick up Kitty. "Yves" she looked at me. "I have to pick up my little sister from school it's kinda far I don't wanna wa-" "How far is her school?" I didn't want to deal with this woman today. I just got my GPS and let it lead the the way.

When Kitty got in the car she looked
confused as fuck. Yves looked back and smiled at her. Kitty smiled back. "Yo Y/N who's this? She's pretty!" I looked at Kitty then I looked at Yves. "She's my friend... from school, her name is Sooyoung." "You can call me Yves" Yves interrupted. "Cool! Hey Yves! Im kitty!" Kitty put out her hand and shook hands with Yves.

Yves brought us home and we all got out the car. "Thanks." I said walking up to Yves. She smiled and gave me my keys. "Don't you need a ride home?" "Nah it's okay I live around here!" I looked at her surprised cus when tf she live here?

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