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friday 11:00AM

"alright students in Mrs.Sunny's class please take 560 bus!!" the teachers yell. it's so annoying.
i get on the bus and think of an idea. should i sit next to jiwoo? or yves? i'm sure yves wouldn't care... it's not like she's going to get mad or anything.

i see jiwoo in a seat and i sit next to her. yves comes on the bus with her eyebrows in a v-shape. she starred at me and jiwoo. i mouthed 'what' to her. "you're not gonna sit next to me?" she whispered. jiwoo had a "ooh" look on her face.

yves looked at me up and down and sat next to elly. is she jealous?

we got out the bus and i waited for yves. she got up and walked up to me. "why didn't you sit next to me?" she asked. "are you jealous?" i hit her arm playfully and she grabbed my wrists hard as hell and started walking to our dorm.

i noticed something.
why didn't kimlip say anything?

(authors note: yall this is a fic so we gotta make everything a coincidence yk?)

we went to our hotel room and saw that it only had two beds. but the thing is. jiwoo and jungeun were also sharing with us. unlike me and yves, jiwoo and jungeun were ACTUALLY a couple so it wasn't awkward with them at all.

"me and jungeun will take this bed and you and yves can take that bed!" jiwoo planned out. "seems fair to me" jungeun said. i looked at yves, and she wasn't fazed at all. she noticed.

"do you expect me to make you sleep on a fucking chair?" yves said making me quiver in fear. why is she scary today? jiwoo laughed. "are you shy y/n? she's your girlfriend!" i honestly wanted to beat her up right now.

this is the time where all the teachers leave to another hotel. which means everyone goes to this house to party. "what are you going to wear?" yves asked.

(author's note: pick your own outfit hoe!)

"this!" i went to my suitcase and put up my outfit to show yves. she smiled? "cool." "what's yours going to look like?" i was curious.

(author's note: pick whatever outfit you want i just liked this one)

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(author's note: pick whatever outfit you want i just liked this one)

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