fake girlfriend?

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it was finally the end of the day. i wanted to leave so bad i'm not even going to wait for anyone. i was about to start my car and the i heard my phone receive a text message. it was yves?

yves i love you please date me please please: can we meet up later? at the milkshake place you always go to? i want to talk about earlier. please...

y/n: sure what time?

yves i love you please dat me please please: 4:00pm? is that good?

y/n: yeah i'll be there.

IMGOIFNON A DAATWEWIT HYVES KSUSGDJSIWYEHSKhshjsks!\¥]+]^%]|€\€¥028:7):):!/&-@92/7/

i smiled and how did she know that was my favorite place? anyways i went to go pick up kitty and we went back home. then i remembered. MY LETTERS. i quickly ran through our door. "welcome ba-" my dad was confused but he didn't care. i opened my door and saw that my room was... cleaned? like someone cleaned it! i know i didn't do this...

kitty followed me upstairs. "oh yeah! i cleaned your room this morning and you... didn't notice at all. now you're noticing it?" i looked behind me and looked at kitty. wait a minute. "thanks" i mumbled walking around my room. "thanks? a 'thanks' is what i get? i literally-" i didn't listen to kitty's ranting and looked for the box with my letters in it.

"kitty."i cut her off. "have you seen. a cyan box, with a red top." i was frozen. "oh the one with the letters." my heart dropped after she said that.

"yes. my letters. you didn't see them. did you?" all kitty saw was my back. "i did. i sent them to all the girls." i turned around slowly.
                        "YOU WHAT?!"

i yelled. kitty startled. "i sent th-" "WHY THE H....." i looked at my phone and saw that that was 3:37. "you know what, you know what? i'll deal with your ass later." i shoved her out the way and went to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for my "date" with yves.

    i was about to walk out the door and then i heard my dad. "woah! where are you going?" "i'm going to a milkshake place with a friend! imma be back quickly!" my dad nodded. i went in my car and drove to the milkshake place. i saw yves sitting and it looked like she was waiting for me so i went inside. she looked at the door and smiled. l was frozen.

"you're here! so..." it was awkward for a couple seconds. "here! let me explain. so when i was in 5th grade i wrote letters to every girl i've ever had a crush on but i didn't actually send them i just wrote them to get my feelings out and i was also bored. and recently i found out my little sister sent out those letters and-" yves cut me off... "i don't care about that. tell me why you kissed me."

"oh well i saw one of the girls i sent to the letters walking up to me and i didn't want her to think i still like her so i panicked and i kissed... you.." nobody in this restaurant heard that right? yves furrowed her eyebrows and looked down. she looked disappointed. "and i know elly is you girlfr-" "no" yves' replied made me confused.

THEY FINALLY BROKE UP???? "what?" "we broke up." i tried my best not to smile at this i mean i shouldn't be smiling at this first of all. "yeahhh so it's okay i accept your apology" i stared at her for a second. and thought of an idea

"do you want to be my fake girlfriend?"
yves looked up at me with a confused look. "why?" "i need to let heejin know i have a girlfriend and you can make elly jealous. you don't have to do it if you don't wa-" "deal." IM TIRED OF THIS WOMAN CUTTING ME AWF.

"so what do i do? act like i'm really your girlfriend?" i nodded TRYING to be serious and not making it obvious.
"okay..." yves put her arm around me. "what do you want me to do?"

"well make me your lock screen, put your arm around my shoulder, (AUTHOR'S NOTE: in the movie n*ah put his hand in laura's butt pocket but that makes me cringe so i'm not putting that in this but you can imagine that if you want!)
back hug-"i'll just do want girlfriends do, okay?"

i nodded and we both left the restaurant. i waited until she actually left so i can scream.

To All The Girls I've Loved Before.Where stories live. Discover now