long time no see!

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i came back home and groaned because this year is going to fucking kill me huh?
i walked upstairs threw my bookbag on the floor, idgaf what's in there.
i should read the letters again but every time i look at them i want to jump of a cliff.
i like torturing myself.
i went to my shelf and shoved my video games and picked up the box. i opened it and flipped it upside down so all the letters could come out. i remember exactly who these were for. i sorted them out by color.

jeon heejin from camp
kim hyunjin from seventh grade
jo haseul from homecoming
im yeojin from model un;
wong kahei from art class
kim jungeun from cooking class in 8th grade
jung jinsol, margot's girlfriend and my childhood best friend
choi yerim from yoga
ha sooyoung, the girl i will never be with
kim jiwoo, my bestfriend
park chaewon, my dad's friend's daughter
and olivia hye, kitty's babysitter

all these 12 girls? i was supposed to send letters to? wow! i'm gay as hell!
but these letters won't get out. ever.


"hey kitty come on we gotta go i want to go to school early today!" i actually didn't want to go to school early i just wanted to talk to yves because she goes to school at like 6:40 for some reason.
"i'm coming! also margot's visiting soon!" my mouth dropped because i couldn't wait to see my sister! this is the happiest morning i've ever had in years!
me and kitty got in our car and fastened our seat belts. i didn't see jinsol outside? oh yeah it's early she's probably still sleeping...

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: i have no idea how cars work so i'm going to do my best to describe shit😭)
i hit the peddle and revered. jinsol wasn't there, thankfully. i dropped kitty at her school, but i saw someone... someone i knew? she looked familiar... then i saw kitty talk to her...
i jumped out of my car, i didn't even lock it! i ran up to her with a smile! "oh my god! hey it's been a while!" "oh hey y/n what are you doing here?" oh my god she's so cool. "i was dropping kitty off at school! what are YOU doing here?"

"well i work with the teachers early in the morning, i'm homeschooled so my classes start late." since when was she homeschooled? i swear to gawd she went to my school? "oh.. why are you homeschooled now?" "well there was a little rumor of some girl getting bullied, my dad didn't want me to get bullied even though that rumor got debunked or something"

i've never heard of that rumor but okay! "oh i heard about that yeah that really ruined our school's reputation!" kitty's school bell rung and all the little 6th graders with white boys who looked like highlighters went inside the building. i waved hyeju goodbye and went back in my car on my way to school.


i locked my car doors and looked for jiwoo. there she is! and she's with jungeun!
i ran up to the two "hey guys!" jiwoo's smile increased "Y/NNNNNNNNN" "hi y/n" jungeun said hi back, i haven't heard her voice in a while AND WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE?

"y/n i have something to tell you." jiwoo said it in a serious tone i was scared something bad came up. jiwoo with her acting skills had a sad look on her face then she jumped on me with a smile. "ME AND JUNGEUN ARE DATINGGG!!!" i could barely process what she said because she literally jumped on me like big ass dog.

"for real? that's so great you guys are cute together!" me and jiwoo held hands and jumped while smiling then i felt a finger tap on my shoulder. it was jinsol!
i stopped acting like a monkey with jiwoo and turned to jinsol, "what's up jinsol?" she looked really serious it looked like she was mad at me

"jinsol, i can explain"

To All The Girls I've Loved Before.Where stories live. Discover now