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we took and uber to the party (ghetto) and when we walked in.

jesus christ.

there's no way this many people went to our school! i saw alcohol, wine, drinks all that shit.

i picked up my phone calling jiwoo. "hello? where are you?" i asked. i got a tap on my shoulder and it was jiwoo and jungeun. me and yves turned around. "come onnnn why are you guys just standing there? follow me!" all 3 of us followed jiwoo in the house. this isn't my first time partying. but there's so much people.

yves held my hand tight trying to not let go of me. we reached to the seats and drinks and i looked around. "do you want a drink?" she asked. "it's not going to be apple juice." she giggled.

i looked at the drinks... it's alcohol and wine. i wanted it easy so i decided wine. "wine" i responded. "pussy" yves replied. "hey can i get one wine and one shot?" yves asked the dude working there. i'm surprised they didn't ask for our age...

we got our drinks and when yves got the shot she said. "watch this" she took a shot and she made a strange face. i started laughing. "holy shit!" she yelled. "have you ever drank before?" i asked. she did so naturally.

"barely, now drink your wine. or do you want me to help you?" i froze. what did she mean by that? she stared at me, got a straw, and put it in my cup. she put her lips on the straw and started drinking it. her face was so close to mines. and she was just staring at me.

i started to drink it along with her. we were just staring at each other until we couldn't drink it anymore. i got back to my senses and put my head up and looked away for a second. yves laughed and said "let's go look for jiwoo"

we got up and looked around. we then saw jiwoo and jungeun laughing with some other people. we decided to walk over there. jiwoo noticed and screamed. "BESTIES!!!!!!!" she ran over to us and hugged both of us. jungeun walked over and pulled her away. "she's a little... drunk." "i can tell" yves replied.

we sat with jiwoo's friends and yves had her arm around me. sometimes i forget we're not really a couple. "take a shot" she asked. i looked at her then i remembered her calling me a pussy. so i snatched the shot from her and drank it.

this feeling

i've never felt like this.

next thing i know i'm taking 4 more. "slow down" yves said laughing. "NOOOOO you don't tell me what to do sooyounggggggggggg

oh god

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