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"what the actual fuck y/n? i literally just broke up with you sis-"

jinsol found something that she shouldn't have found. and how the HELL did she get it.
"jinsol, i was in the 6th grade when i wrote this letter. i do not have feelings for you at all. not anymore. that's all. gone."

how the actual fuck did JINSOL get my letter from like 6th grade. "okay, im sorry for misunderstanding. but why did you send this to me now?" she asked. i panicked because i didn't do it! "i didn't send it at all. i promise." the bell rung and jinsol nodded. we both left for our first period. i was having such a good morning why did this shit happen?

                  i went to gym class with jiwoo.
"and she thought EYE out those letters out" i ranted to jiwoo about the incident me and jinsol had this morning. "do you think your sister sent them out?" "no i put them in a safe spot!" my annoying ass gym teacher walked up to me and jiwoo sitting on the table. "ladies! no time for sitting! time for running" me and jiwoo groaned and stood up. we walked to the track and starting jogging slow as hell.

           "hey! y/ln! (your last name)!"

who is calling me? i looked behind me and saw heejin she had a fucking LETTER IN HER HAND. i widened my eyes and turned my head right and saw yves. i pulled her down on the track and kissed her. then i got up and realized what i fucking did. "Y/LN AND HA SOOYOUNG! TO THE OFFICE! NOW!!!!" i stood up and mouthed 'sorry' to yves. why did i do that? i looked at heejin who is confused then the bell rung so she just walked away.

                 i went to the office.
"y/ln. would you mind explaining to me what happened?" our principal mrs.young was so scary. "i had a panic attack and i kissed sooyoung." i said with my head down mumbling. mrs.young stared at me and then sighed while moving some papers.

"sooyoung ha." mrs.young called for yves to sit down next to me. "yes?" yves replied. "what's your side of the story?" mrs.young didn't really believe me. because the thing i did was UNBELIEVABLE.

"well i was running and then she pulled my shirt and kissed me. and then we were on the ground." mrs.young looked up at yves. "so y/n why did you do that? it's very inappropriate and i don't think sooyoung enjoyed it." "NO ITS OKAY" yves interrupted.

"it was a dare me and hyunjin were playing truth or dare and she dared me to kiss y/n!" yves nodded like she did something. yves what the fuck are you doing? "i can call her in right now if you wa-" "SOOYOUNG." mrs.young shouted. her eyebrows made a V shape and she rubbed her forehead. "sooyoung, what happened." yves nodded. i was looking down the whole time because i am scared of THE tiffany young.

"hyunjin dared me to kiss y/n. y/n you don't have to lie like that. i did it. i'm the one who got us in trouble. i'm sorry i didn't think it'd be this bad. i also lied earlier mrs.young. i will take any consequences." my eyes and mouth were open. i can't believe she did that shit! and i'm taking it because i am not getting in trouble with this devil in front of me. "you two are dismissed." me and yves left the room. my heart was pounding.

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