everyone is looking...

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         i heard my alarm and got ready for this.                       bitch ass school.
                    i looked at my phone while brushing my teeth and saw a text from yves. shouldn't i change her contact name? i changed it to (whatever y'all want cus i can't think of one). that's what couples do right? anyways

yves: i'm going to pick you up at 7:10 okay?
y/n: okay!!!

                         i'm smiling and it's so obvious i'm enjoying this. i put on some clothes and went downstairs to go eat some breakfast and say hi to everyone. "you look happy this morning!!" my dad even noticed, shit is it that obvious? "my uhhh" should i tell him i have a girlfriend?
"kitty! my friend is picking us up today okay?"
she nodded and grabbed her favorite yogurt she eats every fucking morning.

i heard a knock on my door and saw that it was jinsol. what is she doing here? "hey sol!" she squinted after i said that for some reason... "are you okay?" she asked.
   why would she ask me that?! i peaked behind her and saw yves' car pulling up. "kitty!!! she's here!" jinsol looked behind me and looked confused.

   "who's that?" jinsol asked. "my girlfriend" i said with a bright smile. jinsol widened her eyes and looked behind me again. me and kitty walked up to yves' car and i waved at jinsol.
yves starts her car and starts driving off.

     "kitty, this is..." i looked at yves and she looked back at me and back to the road. "this is my girlfriend yves!" kitty put her surprised face on and smiled. "ugh finally yves has someone! her being alone really annoys the HELL out of me. it's embarrassing honestly" i raised an eyebrow at her and flinched with my fist at her.

     "hey kitty... what are you eating that looks good." i smiled because it's kinda cute yves is trying to also be friends with my sister. "oh these? these are called cloudy yogurts! i eat them every morning!"

   she took another sip. "do you like them?" yves asked me "yeah but not much as her" "cool i'll buy some for you guys" yves smirked. i didn't want her to feel like she has to do everything for us. "yves you don't hav-" "let me do whatever i want y/nnnnnn, okay?" i honestly wanted to scream and fly out the window because this woman drives me crazy. i smiled and yves and yves saw but she didn't do anything.

               me and yves arrived at school and when we got out the car she automatically put her arm around me. i flinched and she noticed. "do you want me to stop?" i shook my head no

everyone was looking at us walking through the  hallways. do y'all ever mind your business?
speaking of the devil i saw elly's mouth drop along with suyeon.

"y/n?!" i already knew who's voice that was. jiwoo! me and yves turned around and she removed her arm from my shoulders. jiwoo was smiling but also covering her mouth. "are you guys...?" i nodded because i knew exactly what she was about to ask.

                          lunch time
(AUTHOR'S NOTE: you know that scene where noah puts his hand in laura's back pocket? and remember when i told you to imagine what you wanted yves to do because i thought that scene was cringy? yeah do that) everyone was just staring at us this whole day. i didn't think it would ever be that serious...

then i see elly come up to us i mean what did i   expect yves was just kissing her like a week ago. "hey, you two" elly put on that fake ass smile. i said hi back and she was literally giving me a death glare. "yves it's so funny how you moved on...so quickly." elly knew exactly what she's doing and she said that loud as hell making everyone looking at us. yves looked at elly up and down.

i was looking at yves, waiting for a response from her. "true." that was literally her only words. elly blinked slowly and raised her eyebrows. before she could open her eyes we walked away i didn't even want to eat anymore.

                       the end of the day
to be honest. i expected this. i expected everyone to stare and i expected elly to act like a bitch to me and yves. i'm sitting in my car waiting for yves and then i start overthinking and put both of my hands on my face. i

i just sat there


why did i do this?

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