Chapter 3 - "You are real....arent you?"

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(Yanna POV)

The whole day Yoongi walks with me and sits next to me during class. I've never had this... you know... a friend. And he's so nice to me. Some of the things he says and does like--

"Let me carry those books for you. They look heavy."


"Your favorite color is white? That's so cool."

"Why is it cool?" I ask sitting down, and he sits next to me in the back row. I don't even notice the stares from everyone this time. I guess I'm too busy getting to know my new (and only) friend.

"Because," He explains, "My favorite color is black. I guess opposites do attract, huh?" He fidgets with his sleeve shyly.

Okay, this guy is literally so sweet to me! I don't even know why? Probably because, like I said before, he doesn't know what I am to this school. But I don't want him to find out... because maybe when he does... he won't want to sit next to me or walk to class with me. And.... I like having someone next to me. It feels nice.

"Don't get used to this kind of thing. Don't let yourself get attached to this guy. Don't start feeling things, Yanna! Remember, you are not going to be a hopeless romantic this year!"

But I can't help it. I appreciate him if anything.

Yoongi... I really like this guy.

(Yoongi POV)

I sit with Yanna the entire day. I don't really know how to do this whole "boyfriend" thing so I figured I should start with just friends first. I mean, isn't that what most people do?

Yanna seems awfully excited when I ask her questions. They're not even that impressive. I ask her what her favorite color is, things like that. She just gets so enthusiastic about everything. Doesn't it get exhausting for her? All I know is after one class with this girl, I'm ready to give up and take a nap.

She stares at me a lot. It's kinda creepy. I'm trying to keep eye contact with her as much as I can, but I end up doing little things like playing with my sleeve or running a hand through my hair just to give myself something else to do.

Granted I don't remember a whole lot about what high school is supposed to be like, but I definitely don't remember this many letters in Math. What the frick, dude?!

Sorry, got off topic. My main focus is supposed to be Yanna. Speaking of Yanna, she's sitting next to me... still staring at me. I feel weird in all honesty. She looks at me as if I'm the greatest thing to happen since sliced bread.

She taps the desk to pull my attention away from the board, "Yoongi?" She whispers.

"Yeah?" I answer even though we're in class.

She tries to lean over to my ear, so I scoot closer to her, "When Mr. Kim turns around the back of his head looks like a squirrel."

I almost choke but thankfully Yanna's inability to keep any giggle at a minimum volume covers me. She rests her chin in her hand and watches me struggle to keep myself composed.

Mr. Kim gives up both a stern look, and Yanna immediately sits still with her head down and stops laughing. But after the teacher looks away, Yanna smiles at me again.

I guess Yanna was being literal when she said she'd never had a friend before.

The rest of the day seems to drag on for years. And that's coming from someone who's training involved staring at a wall for twelve hours.

I'm definitely not used to this environment. I'm definitely not used to Yanna. She's... definitely something.

I look up at the clock and rub the back of my neck.

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