Chapter 20: "I'm firing you, Yoongi."

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(Yoongi POV)

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(Yoongi POV)

Now before you start scolding me, let's go back to the beginning.

Yanna and I were kidnapped. I had three minutes to save our butts before Jungkook came back into the room and decided to do things the hard way.

So yes, I made Yanna faint and I tricked a fellow agent. I did what I had to do. I blew the place up (unintentionally) after Yanna and I successfully escaped.

Yeah, the Chief is not gonna be happy about that. But, anyway, that's Future Yoongi's problem.

I left that Jungkook guy in my dust. Who knows if he was still in the building or not? Honestly, I don't care about him right now. All I can bring myself to care about is the girl limply sleeping on my back as I trudge my way through the back alleyways of the streets.

Yanna's been asleep for almost half an hour at this point. The Agency is still a day's journey away on foot, and what have I eaten since cereal? Nothing. I want to take this moment to sincerely thank all those days of training when I was given squat to survive on. You're helping me more than you know.

I sigh and readjust the growing weight on my back. Yanna is a tiny girl, it's true. But for some reason it feels like she just keeps getting heavier and heavier. It's probably my own exhaustion taking over, but I have got to find something to take my mind off how much my back is killing me right now.

I could think about my training. Recite all the pledges and rules that have been drilled into my mind over the past years. But I can't. Because all that comes to mind are all the rules that I've broken for Yanna. She talks about the lies I've told her like those are my worst mistakes since the mission started. Not even close--

I can't even begin to count how many Agency rules I've disregarded. But the strange thing is, I don't feel guilty. Don't get me wrong, I feel guilty for sure, but not because of the rule breaking. I feel terrible because of Yanna. She doesn't deserve this. If I'm not still one hundred percent sure why her life is in so much danger, then she can't possibly know any more than I do. She's just a bullied high school girl who was thrown into drama she never asked for and now she's hurt. She's hurt, and it was my job to keep her safe. I hate that more than I thought...

I've never cared about anyone but myself. It's kinda nice. But beyond stressful, and Yanna still gets on my nerves. But earlier... when I hugged her... I don't know. It was for the plan. I hugged her so I could tell her the plan without that douche of a henchman overhearing. And now I can't get the way it felt to have her timidly hold the back of my shirt and hide my face in the crook of her neck and-- I haven't been that close to someone in... well, a long time.

Yes, I admit. I care about Yanna. But it's nothing I can't handle. It's not like I'm going to get carried away and take a bullet for her or anything. I'm not stupid enough to fall completely for anyone, let alone my target. Myself is still my top priority. Now and always.

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