Chapter 1 - "You have a nice voice"

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(Yanna's POV)

My voice hummed softly for everyone else to hear while the music played through my earbuds. My eyes closed. My steps are on time with the beat. Music is my escape, to put it simply.

I'm still a very social person, don't get me wrong. I've been to every school dance, every basketball game, and every fundraiser..... granted I went alone and stood in the corner for most of it... but it was still fun!

I straighten my coat and bounce the ten ton book bag on my back before scooting my glasses all the way up my face. They're very big, and they tend to fall down my nose sometimes. But I don't mind, just one of the perks of being me.

I shiver when a blast of snowy wind slaps me in the face, blowing my long, tangled hair in every direction. My fingers still feel cold even though I'm wearing three pairs of mittens, not sure how that works, but oh well. Just another perk, I guess. I close my eyes because the wind makes them tear up. My head is hung low as I try to focus on the soft piano soundtrack playing from my Spotify rather than the piercing sting on the tip of my toes. Did you know that snow can get through shoes AND two pairs of wool socks? I do now.

January is definitely my favorite month. That may sound crazy to you because of all the stuff I just told you, but January is my birthday month. And next week, January 14, is my birthday! My parents even told me that they would make it back in time to celebrate my birthday with me! If there's one thing to know about me it's that I love birthdays.

I haven't seen Mom or Dad in over a month. They work for an international communications advertisement company thingy. Basically they travel the world and try to convince people that the crap their company makes is worth actual money. They leave for long periods of time. When they come back it's normally only for about a week or so. But they tried so hard so they could be home for my birthday, and I love them so much for that.

I get a small skip in my step just thinking about it. All three of us. Together. For my birthday. I mean, turning eighteen is a big deal! And, once again, I love birthdays.

Soon enough my humming turns into full fledged singing as I constantly push my glasses up and lick my lips from the cold. My eyes close once again while my fist is transformed into a mic with HD surround sound.

"I don't wanna know, know, know, know, who's taking you home, home, home, home, and loving you so, so, so, so, the way I used to lo--"

My amazing solo is cut short by a rough jerk on my shoulder as it collides with a solid chest.

I grunt as the weight in my book bag pulls me backwards to the ground. My hands go out to catch me, but I end up on my butt in the snow.

"Hey--" I say, yanking an earbud out of my ear.

The guy that inconsiderable ran me over is now reaching his hand down towards me with a worried expression. He has black hair and a black mask over his mouth and nose, "Are you okay?" He asks quickly.

I take my glasses off and readjust them since they were knocked cattywampus off my nose, "I'm fine," he takes my arm and helps me stand, "I should have been looking where I was going." I brush my bottom off with my now snow coated mittens (which doesn't really help).

Once I properly look up at him-- wow. Something is wrong with my heart; why is it beating so fast?

The boy, who is probably around my age, maybe a bit older, silently drops his hand and nods, "Be careful, the roads are pure ice today." He warns me.

"Thanks, I'll be sure to be careful." I say still staring like the lame dork I am.

I can only see his eyes, but that's all I need to see to imagine how handsome he is under that mask. His eyes are a dark brown that remind me strangely enough of my own. It's kinda like looking into a mirror... except his hair, skin, and overall facial features are much more attractive than mine (at least from what I can tell).

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