Chapter 2 - "Your name is very pretty"

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(Yoongi POV)

I wake up and rub my eyes. I yawn and stretch as I sit up, still trying to open my eyes to start the day. Oh, I don't want today to start. Because today is the day my mission officially begins.

I haven't voiced my opinion on this mission, but that's because as an agent we don't voice our opinions on anything. We find. We capture. We kill. No questions asked. But now that it's just me... I just have to say--

I hate this.

No. I do not want to be here. I don't want to be some high school girl's boyfriend! Screw that! I haven't really met her yet, and I already don't like her. "Undercover" my butt; I hate this. And to top it all off, the school doesn't know about me or the agency... which mean no special treatment for my grades... which means I have to do well in school to stay. I know for a fact if I fail this mission because I fail Math, the Chief will have my life.

I haven't been to school in years. Ever since the fire... and I was put into the agency. But today I get the extreme privilege of getting dressed and stepping out the door wearing tan slacks, a short red tie with a navy jacket, and a school mascot on my chest. I look like a highschooler again. Of course, that's what I'm supposed to look like, so I guess that's a good thing.

I suppose that's why I was selected for this mission. I've always had a young face to begin with anyway. Apply a little make-up, dress me in a school uniform, and yeah, I can pass for a student for sure.

"Alright...let's do this." I give myself a pep-talk before wrapping up in a warm coat and stepping into the cold world.

(Yanna POV)

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock singing beside me. I roll over in my bed and throw my hand over to turn off the incessant ringing.

"Hmm..." I groan and sit up slowly. Sliding my glasses onto my face, I sigh, "Good morning to me."

Downstairs, I stuff an apple between my teeth before getting my uniform from the closet, and slipping on my tights and skirt. It's kinda nice living alone sometimes. For instance, when I'm running late I can get dressed and run around the house at the same time.

With one arm in my jacket, and the rest falling off my shoulder, I quickly throw my book bag together and turn the security system on for the day.

"Whoa!" I exclaim when the winter world slaps me in the face. Last night's storm must have been worse than I expected. I wish they would have canceled school today, but oh well. I'll just have to deal.

I always walk to school with my earphones in, blocking out the world. With my steps in time with the piano, I make my way to that horrid place they call school.


The hallways are crowded as usual, except now the floors are slippery with melted ice and the leftovers from an obvious indoor snow ball fight. What lunatics.

My locker is close to the back entrance which is a good thing on most days, but on days like this, when every time the doors open, and a rush of snow and cold wind blows me over, it's not the greatest thing in the world.

I just use my shoulder to somewhat block the breeze from hitting my cheeks when the door opens again. I do a double-take at the figure that walks in.

My eyes must be playing tricks on me. Isn't that the same guy that ran me over yesterday? He looks a little different now that he's wearing his uniform, and his hair is brushed back. He looks... good. Actually, he looks drop dead attractive if I do say so myself.

He passes me without even a glance (not that I was expecting him to notice me or anything). Quickly, I push my glasses back up my nose and open my locker. A small piece of paper drops from the top shelf. I watch it fall to the ground.

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