Chapter 5 - "Your my oppa"

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(Yoongi POV)

"So, Yoongi? How old are you?" Yanna asks me.

She's been quizzing me for the past fifteen minutes while I've been racking my brain to think up lie after lie after lie. All in all, she's cool to talk to. She just... never shuts up. It's annoying. I'm sitting at her kitchen counter while Yanna runs her mouth a million miles an hour.

But something is weird. I feel... on edge but also comfortable at the same time. Lying to her is easy, but also oddly difficult.

"Twenty-thre-" I have to catch myself. Why did I have to catch myself? I am trained to lie, why am I struggling to have a simple conversation with this girl? "Twenty. And three months. I got held back in school due to family complications." I finally answer her question. She seems to buy it.

"Ah, I see. You're my Oppa." Yanna bites her lip, looking down at the knife she's using to cut up some strawberries for a snack for the both of us. When Yanna invited me in for a snack, I was expecting her to break out a bag of chips or something. Nah man, she's going all out.

"Oh... no."

"Yeah," I chuckle nervously (because I am actually nervous), "I guess you could call me that."

"I can?" Yanna says lifting her gaze to find mine.

"What?! No! That's not what I- I didn't mean it like-"

"Uhh sure, why not?" God help me.

Yanna blushes like a fire truck, "O-Okay, Oppa." She says with a stutter and a shy smile.

"What did I just do? I guess I am supposed to be her boyfriend to get her to trust me completely. Those are the orders that the Chief gave me. This doesn't mean I feel anything for this girl. This is just my mission. That's all."

Yanna keeps on with her excessive questions, "So what's your favorite subject?"

"My what-?"

She giggles, "In school, Oppa! What's your favorite subject in school?"

"Oh," I relax a little and think, "Ummm... I really only liked Gym. Although I always did well in English for some reason."

Yanna pauses cutting the berries and stares at me, "Did?"


I have to correct myself, "I mean... at... my old school. I always did well in English there. I guess things like that don't change when you switch schools, right?" I try to just laugh that off, but it's awkward.

I just screwed up everything didn't I? Why am I slipping up so much? All day today I've been so smooth and cool, and now suddenly I can't form a proper sentence. She keeps asking me question after question. I've been put through vigorous training to be able to withstand even the deadliest of threats and questioning by the most powerful men in the world! But I can't take this lying to an innocent citizen.

Yanna smiles at me, "Yeah, I guess you're right."

I sigh in relief.

Yanna finishes cutting the strawberries, "Do you like cream?"

"Huh?" I look up at her.

She giggles, "Cream. Like peaches and cream? Except all I have are strawberries, I hope that's okay."

I nod, "Yeah. That sounds good."

She smiles wide at me and turns around to grab the cream from the fridge. I run my hands through my hair and let out a big breath while she's not looking.

"Get it under control, Yoongi. How are you gonna make this happen if you're a total wreak?! The Chief wants you to be her boyfriend. Boyfriend! That means 100% trust. She has to trust you, which means your lies have got to be perfect. So, for the love of god, get it together!"

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