Coming out 🧼

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Charlotte and Becky
Charlotte's POV

"Mhm Bex we have to go" I sat up slightly pushing Becky off of me. "But I want to stay here and kiss you." Becky and I hadn't told anyone we were dating, her parents found us making out one time and let's just say that did not go over well. So now we were a little worried about coming out to everyone else. "Becky come on baby we have work." "But I can't kiss you at work." "Bex I think we should tell people about us." "No! Think about how badly it went with my parents." "Becky my family loves you, and you really think Mercy, Pam, Trin and the rest of our friends don't love us enough to accept us." I hugged Bex. "I love you Bex" "I love you too Ash. Ok today we tell your family and our friends and everyone will be happy and I will finally be able to kiss my beautiful girlfriend in public." Becky and I have been together for over a year and we've kept it a secret. "So we tell everyone at the same time, after our match tonight." Becky nodded. "No matter what anyone says I love you Rebecca." "I love you too Ashley" I kissed her one last time before getting ready.

End of the day
Becky's POV

Ash and I won our tag match against Liv and Ruby, we were hanging out in her locker room for a second of calm before the storm. "I'm scared Ash" I buried my head in her neck. "Me too baby" I was a little surprised. Ash was all confident this morning and now she looked terrified. "Hey like we said earlier, no matter what happens we still love each other." I hugged her. She was shaking, I'd never seen her this scared. "Ashley look at me. I love you" she finally looked up. "I love you too Rebecca" I kissed her. "You ready for this?" She nodded. "As long as I have you by my side."

Charlotte's POV

Becky and I walked into the boardroom. "Well took you long enough. Your match ended twenty minutes ago." Sasha said but when she looked at us she could tell something was wrong. "I know that look, what's wrong?" "Um well there is a slightly important secret we've been keeping." I turned to my parents, brother, and sister. "You guys love me no matter what right?" "Winky of course we do" my sister Megan said using my embarrassing childhood nickname. "Good" I turned to our friends. "You guys love us no matter what right?" Sasha looked at us. "Of course we do. What the hell is going on?"

I didn't now how to say the words so I just kissed Bex instead. When we pulled away I hugged her "I love you Rebecca" "I love you too Ashley" I turned to my family. "Guys this is my girlfriend Becky." Next thing I knew I was being crushed in a group hug. "So everyone is fine that Bex and I are together?" "Of course we are" my mom said, she was the sweetest person ever and she loved everyone so I wasn't worried about her reaction. "Dad?" "Haha Sasha owes me fifty bucks." I turned to Sasha. "What does he mean you owe him fifty dollars?" Dad chuckled. "Because Sasha, Reid, and I had a bet on how damn long it was going to take you two to get together." "You what!" I hugged my parents and siblings. "I love you guys so much." "We love you too Winky." I saw Becky smirking out the corner of my eye. "Yes Rebecca?" "Since we've been together for almost a year and a half I think I should finally get to know why your family calls you Winky." "That can wait for the wedding night." "You two have been together that long and didn't tell us!" Sasha looked beyond pissed. "Um well someone found out and wasn't exactly happy about the fact Bex and I are together. So we got a little scared."

I turned to Becky, she was still devastated about her parents reaction. "If they can't except us together then they don't deserve to be a part of our life." Becky hugged me. "Who? We'll kick their asses?" Sasha said as she and Bayley jumped from their chairs. "Becky's parents weren't exactly thrilling when they walked in on us making out." Sasha expression soften, she ran over and hugged us. "Oh Bex, I'm so sorry." Bayley ran over too and crushed us all in a group hug. "Four Horsewomen reunited at last!" All of us were back together on Smackdown.

Triple H walked over to us. "I know you won't do a romance storyline but how about you guys as best friends again." "That would be amazing Hunter." I hugged him. He and Steph were like second parents to me. "If you need anything you ask ok. That goes for you too Becky, you and Ashley are together now which makes you family." I was so happy everyone was ok with Bex and my relationship. We spent the rest of the evening in each other's arms and having an amazing time with our family.

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