Auntie Ash 🧼

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Charlotte, Seth, and Becky
Becky's POV

I was finally returning to in ring competition. The only problem is I don't trust anyone to take care of Roux. Sure Colby's parents had watched her for us but that was only for five hours at most, this was overnight. "Colby?" "Yeah Bex" "you know I trust your mom with Roux, right?" "Yeah of course. Why what's up?" "I don't know if I can leave Roux overnight." "Bex, my mom and Roux will be fine." "I just want to take Roux with us. Colby, she's so little and we haven't left her overnight before." Colby sighed. "Okay Bex we can take Roux with us. But who's going to watch her during work?" "I'll figure it out."

Three days later

"Roux honey please stop crying!" Roux has been crying since we left. Colby and I have to cut a promo and Roux is still fussing. "Colby we can't leave her here!" "I know Bex!" Just then there was a knock at the door. I took a deep breath and opened it to my best friend Ashley, who just so happens to be Roux's godmother. Ash walked in and hugged Colby and I before walking over to Roux, or as she called Roux, Ro Ro.

Ashley's POV

I saw how stressed Bex and Colby looked as I walked in. I went to sit on the blanket with Roux. "Hi Ro Ro! How's my beautiful girl doing?" Roux started giggling as I made funny faces. I turned to Bex. "Go do your promos and match I've got her." Becky hugged me again. "Thank you so much Ash." "Of course. She's my little buddy and I'm going to teach her all the little annoying things you and Colby hate." Becky fake laughed as they left. I turned to Roux. "What do you want to do my Ro Ro?" Roux grabbed my hair and started chewing on it. "I vote we don't do that. How about we go see Auntie Mercy and Auntie Pam in makeup."

We walked to Pam and Mercy and the whole time Roux was giving me little kisses on my shoulder. "Thank you for the kisses Ro Ro." She started giggling again. "Roux!" Mercy said as we walked over. Mercy, Pam, Mella, and Trin were at makeup. "Where are Bex and Colby?" Trin asked while making funny faces at Roux. "Promo and match. I said I would hang with her." "I'm surprised they left you alone with her. Colby said Bex wouldn't even leave her with his mom." Pam said as she held Roux. "They both looked so stressed and exhausted. I knew they just needed a little break." I said taking Roux back. "Plus then we get Auntie Ash time, right Ro Ro?" She clapped her hands together. "Should we go back to the locker room to watch Mommy and Daddy's match?"

Halfway through Becky's match Roux started dozing off. "You tired Ro Ro?" She rubbed her eyes and nodded. She put her head on my shoulder and started to fall asleep. I kissed her little forehead. "I love you my sweet Ro Ro. Always remember Auntie Ash loves you so so much."

Two hours later
Becky's POV

Colby and I were done for the night so we headed back to our locker room. My heart melted when I saw Ash and Roux sleeping on the couch. Roux was snuggled into Ashley's shoulder. I took a picture of them. Ashley was such a huge part of Roux's life already. She was the first person, after Colby and I, to hold Roux, she was in the delivery room with me, she was her godmother, and if anything ever happened to Colby or I Ashley would become Roux's guardian. After about five minutes Ash started to wake up. I smiled at her. "Hey sleepy" "hey guys, she was amazing. I may have shown her off a little bit." I laughed. "That's okay." We all packed up and headed to the hotel. Before we went into our room Ash hugged Roux one more time. "Goodnight my Ro Ro, remember Auntie Ash loves you always." I hugged Ash. "Thank you for watching her Ash." "Anytime, seriously anytime."

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