Real man 🧼

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Charlotte and Andrade
Charlotte's POV

Bayley and I were in a segment with Bobby Lashley and Lana. Lana was building a storyline with Bayley over the Smackdown championship and Lana called out my dad calling him 'a creepy old man' so I was helping Bayley destroy Lana. Bobby and Lana were still in a romance storyline so he came out with Lana. Bayley and I were talking trash to Lana when Bobby came. Lana was supposed to come confront us but Bobby wasn't supposed to come out. Bobby and I had some history from NXT, he tried to get me fired because he thought I was handed everything.

"Well look it's the blonde bimbo and the least important member of the Hurt Business. The most useless couple in the WWE." I said. Lana faked laughed. "You're one to talk Queenie. I mean we all know the only reason your fiancé Andrade is with you is because you're Ric Flair's daughter." I was pissed. You don't bring my personal life into work problems. Ever. I slapped Lana. "You can talk all the trash you want about me but you don't ever bring my family into it." Bayley and I turned and looked at each other. She knew what I had planned. We dropped kicked Lana through the ropes. Bobby was furious, he got in my face and started yelling at me. I yelled right back at him and then he punched me.

Bobby was beating me up while Lana went after Bayley. I heard Manny's music play and I saw Manny, Zelina, Becky, and the rest of the locker room running towards us. Bobby kicked my stomach before being pulled away by Manny and R-Truth. "Manny?" I whispered. Manny ran over to me "Mami! Ash look at me babe. Are you ok?" Manny picked me up and kissed my forehead. "Papi everything hurts." I whimpered. I saw Lana and Bobby fleeing through the crowd.

Manny took me back to our trainer Mack's office. Manny gently put me on the bed as Mack walked in. "Hey Ash" "hi" I said weakly. "Can you tell me where it hurts the most?" "My left knee and right shoulder." Mack gave me some ice for my shoulder while he checked out my knee. Manny kept kissing my head and rubbing my back while Mack checked my injuries. Mack put his hands on the back of my knee. "Char does it hurt when I touch your knee?" I shook my head. "Well that's good at least. Let's take a look at your shoulder." Manny moved to my other side so Mack could see better. The second Mack's hand touched my shoulder I screamed. "Ash I think it might be dislocated." "No. No, I have Fastlane in two weeks." "Ashley I can't clear you to compete until I know if it's dislocated or not."

Manny took me to the hospital so I could see if my shoulder was dislocated. I was really worried. I just won the tag team championship with Natalya, she worked so hard and I didn't want to leave her hanging. The nurse took me to the X-ray room. I had to get a MRI and CT too. An hour or so later the doctor came in to my room. "You don't have any major trauma to your head but you do have a mild concussion. You should rest for a week. Your shoulder isn't dislocated just severely bruised. Go easy for the next week and you should be ok. If the pain gets worse come back." I nodded. "Thank you. Do I have to stay the night?" "No, you can go home."

Manny and I got home. I called Mack and Hunter to tell them what the doctor said. They gave Manny the week off too so he could take care of me. Manny and I were watching Harry Potter before we went to bed. I kissed him. "Thank you for rescuing me earlier." "You never need rescuing, but you're welcome Mami." "Still you got Bobby away from me when he attacked me." "Did you know he was coming out too?" "No, only Lana was supposed to be coming out."  Manny tighted his grip on my hand. "A real man doesn't need to attack a woman to feel strong. And they shouldn't have sent you out there unprepared." I kissed Manny and crawled into his lap. "You're my real man. Thank you for handling Bobby." I curled up in Manny's arms and feel asleep about twenty-five minutes into Philosopher's Stone.

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