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Third-person POV:

As the class assembled for their "ExCiTinG" field trip, there sat a quite annoyed female.

' What's so exciting about a field trip...' she thought to herself.

Iida the newly founded class rep was going on and on about his seating plan only to have it foiled by the bus seat arrangement.

'Just my luck, I paired up with the purple-haired creep' Y/n thought as she stared at the Mineta was inviting her over.

Y/n POV:

I walked up to my teacher/Parent and asked if I could fly to the USJ. He stared at me blankly as if I had gone mad. I simply told him that I didn't sit with the guy. With a sigh, he stood up and said,

"Is there anyone willing to switch seats with Y/n here?"

He knows damn well I don't appreciate the attention, but it will take more than that to tick me off. I snapped out of my thought when someone spoke up. The one and only ice prince said he would sit in between me and Mineta. Should I say thanks?

I walked up to Todo and glared at my "dad" before sitting down and nodding at Todoroki like thanks. He nodded back.

After a few minutes

I was just about to fall asleep until I heard my name. A slightly opened one eye to see the commotion. But I kept my head on my knees.

(If you wonder this is the position Y/n is sitting, and not my drawingggggg!)

They were talking about our strengths and deemed me as strong as well as others

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They were talking about our strengths and deemed me as strong as well as others. Then electric kid called Bakugou's personality a flaming piece of trash, which I sorta agree on. Explosion boy threw a tantrum which helped prove Pikachu's point. As nothing too interesting happened, I slowly fell asleep.

Todoroki's POV:

I looked to the side and saw the winged female sleeping. She looks peaceful. I was about to close my eyes for some sleep before the bus came to a fast break which some people almost fell off their seats. Y/n nearly fell off before I caught her. Close one. I felt many eyes glued on me, so I looked up only to be met by the curious eyes of my classmates. I felt moving in my arm.

I looked down...


She was still asleep!?

How does one stay asleep after nearly going flying out of the bus? Oh well. I look at her and she looks quite tired and peaceful. I should let her rest. I put her back on her seat only to have her head on my shoulder. I turn my head around and continue staring out the window.

"K-K-a-iInooommmmjnnbh" she mumbled in her sleep

Her face turned into a troubled one. It's my first time seeing her react to emotions. Just what happened to you, Y/n? I don't know what to do, she reminds me of when I was younger. The thought of my 'dad' crossed my mind and I felt my blood starting to boil until Y/n gave off an almost unheard whimper. I felt as her muscles tensed up. Just as I was thinking about if I should try to comfort her the bus came to a stop. I heard everyone talking about how we had arrived. Gently shaking her shoulder, I tried to wake her up. Who am I kidding, she didn't even wake up when she nearly went flying. I tried again, but it worked?! WHAT THE HELL, BUT HOW-

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