The recovery before the Festival

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Y/n POV:





Everything hurts...

My eyes feel a bit heavy...

Where am I...

I slowly yet surely open my eyes only to be met by a blinding light. In an attempt to block the light I try to raise my hand, but it hurts a lot. It felt like I fell 100 meters down to earth. However, I've been through worse. I finally muster the strength to sit up. I'm in a white room. I let my eyes wander around to assess the situation. It looks like a medical room.

"You're awake. Thank goodness, for a moment I thought you were going into a coma." Said a sweet old voice. I remember this voice...

I look to the side to see recovery girl with her arms crossed and walking towards me. I try to speak. Keyword: Try.

My throat was really dry and in need of water. I haven't felt like this since I was in the lab... I shook the memory away. Recovery girl must have gotten the idea because she went ahead and got me a cup of water. I drank it up quickly and say a quick thanks.

"What happened? How long was I out for?" I asked.

"You were out for 2 days and everything is fine. The school gave everyone 2 days to recuperate. However, Aizawa was hurt really bad and so were Allmight and Thirteen. Your green haired classmate was the student who has more than a few scratches." She informed me.

What is this feeling... it reminds me of whenever Tara and Kai got injured. Since when did I start feeling emotions again.... Aizawa...

"Oh, and it's lunch break right now," Recovery Girl told me.

I stood up too fast and almost fell from the instant pain. Recover girl held me.

"Don't rush anything. Remember you're still injured." She scolded me.

I nod before I slightly wince taking another step.

"You know you can rest right. You may be free to go, but you can still rest." (Recovery girl)

"I need to do something," I said swiftly before leaving and adding a "thanks for your help".

I made my way towards the teacher lounge only to bump into Aizawa.

As soon as he saw me he hugged me tightly.

"I'm glad you're alright. But never-"

I cut him off

"I'm sorry, I know I should have listened to you but-"

He cut me off this time

"It's ok"

I whimper.... what is this feeling..... without thinking I say,

"I l-love you d-dad" I wasn't used to saying the words love and dad. (A/N: IM SORRY!)

I glance at Aizawa thinking I said something wrong only to see his shocked eyes. He smiles and on the brink of tears responds with,

"I love you too"

What's wrong with me... Am I crying?

"I thought I was going to lose you, it gave made me f-feel bad" (y/n)

"I'm scared to lose you too" (Aizawa)

We stayed like that for a few minutes before having to break apart. We bid our farewells and went to get lunch.

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