A new day, A not so new me

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(A/n: I kinda wanted to add swear words into this chapter but I remembered I might have young readers LOL)

Bakugou's POV:

After being kicked out of the classroom because of this stupid pain in the arse, I was pissed. I can't tell what she is thinking nor if I can even trust her. Is she even human!? Is she a VILLAN, hah with a quirk like that?

"Are you going to talk or glare like the maniac you are?" She said even once showing any sign of emotion.

"That it. You think I'm the freaking maniac here? With your villain-like quirk, I don't know if you aren't one yourself. It would match your face drained of emotion. What? You way too used to killing other people?" I retorted back.

At the last second, I saw a flash of emotion. I scoff at this,

"With the number of secrets you keep, it's no wonder no one trusts you-" I kept going before my face started stinging and I was being thrown back. She had just punched me in the face.

"No one trusts me huh... pfft, look at yourself. Your nothing but a hot-headed bastard who doesn't know how to mind their own frikin business. Like come on, you think you're all that. Smart, brave and the number one hero? In my eyes, you're far from that, might as well be a fantasy." She said without once breaking eye contact.

"You dammed-" I was cut off by her once again.

"You know damn nothing. I can't tell you crap, even if I could why would I tell you. You can't keep a god damned secret even if your life depended on it. What if I came from an underground facility specialized in experimenting with stolen kids huh? What if for HALF OF MY GOD DAMN LIFE I WAS A TEST SUBJECT CREATED BY VILLANS! You know nothing about me," She spoke with pent-up anger, "I don't want anything to do with you. Just leave me alone." She said the last part softly.

I can't say I wasn't stunned about what she had to say. Was she joking or for real? Probably just lies... right? Her voice was full of anger but her face showed nothing. Before I could answer Aizawa busted into the hallway.

"That's it, your detention is now doubled. Meet me after class and clean the classroom for 2 hours." He spoke clearly done with our crap.

I scoff before shoving my hand into my pockets and entering the classroom. Y/n followed slowly.

Y/n POV:

Stupid Bakugou, hah I bet he won't even get what I meant. Just proof of how ignorant he is. The class was staring at us curiously whilst we walked past and sat down in our assigned seats.

Class POV (Not including Y/n and Bakugou):

We heard muffled yelling a few minutes after Y/n and Bakugou were kicked out of the classroom. When Aizawa finally had enough he barged into the hallway dragging them both into the classroom. Some stared full of curiosity while others avoided their gaze. Why wasn't Bakugou yelling at them for staring for once? The class wondered as an unsettling silence fell upon the room. It was soon broken by Aizawa, who had commenced teaching once again.

Just what had happened to make the two students like this? If you looked closely, even Y/n was showing slight anger and frustration painted on her face. She was having a hard time hiding her emotions for once.

Todoroki who has had his attention on this fuss was curious as well. He wanted to say something but decided now wasn't the time.

Y/n POV:

Time Skip

I haven't spoken anything to anyone. When they tried to approach me I gave off a vibe indicating them to back off. I was still pissed at Bakugou. Even if he was hot-headed I would have expected him to be the last to call me a villain. Has he even looked at himself in the mirror? One glare from his eyes would send kids and civilians running with their tails behind their legs.

Devilish Angel | Bakugou x Reader x TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now