Chapter 26

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Laura's POV

I walked into the school like I never had before. I walked in like I knew what I was doing. Like I knew I was too good for everyone. That isn't the case though. I know I am nothing more than a worthless human life on this huge planet. I feel like this planet is trying to destroy me. This planet is trying to tear me to pieces and it's working. I feel like I am being torn apart very slowly.

I walked into class and sat in a seat at the back of the room. I looked to my right and seen a brunette guy staring at me.

"What do you want?" I said with a rude tone. He just continued to stare at me. "If you don't stop then you aren't going to have any eyes to stare at me with." He smirked at me and turned his head toward the teacher. I think he is a new student. I have never seen him before. Finally the bell rang and I walked out of the classroom as fast as I could. I honestly don't care about school right now. I walked past my locker, past my second period and out the front doors of the school.

"Laura!" I turn around to see the same brunette from first period. How does he know my name? I continued walking, but at a faster pace. I could hear footsteps getting closer and closer. Then I felt someone grab my wrist and turn me around.

"What?" I yelled at the brunette.

"Well hello to you too." He said with that stupid smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "I'm Nate by the way."

"And I don't care." I tried to walk away, but he caught my wrist again. "What do you want?"

"I just wanted to talk to you. You seem... interesting."

"And you seem... creepy." He laughed at my comment.

"You're a funny one aren't you? Let's see if I can figure you out."

"Figure me out?" What is wrong with this guy.

"Yeah, okay let's see. Your mom just died. You have a boyfriend. Your life sucks right now. You feel like the world is crumbling beneath you feet."

"Okay now you are really starting to creep me out. Let me go!"

"Now why would I do that sweetheart? A beauty like you attracts guys like me. Oh I'm sorry. I meant dead guys like me." All of the sudden I saw his teeth grow into sharp fangs. No, this isn't real. I have to be dreaming. I closed my eyes and tried to wake myself up from this dream, but I couldn't because it wasn't a dream. It was reality.

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