Chapter twenty four

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Laura's Pov

(One month later)
We are now at the hospital. Things are crazy. I have pools of tears running down my face. My dad has tears in his eyes and Ross, Raini, Calum, Rocky, Rydel, Ryland, Ratliff, and Riker are trying to comfort me. I can't take this. It needs to stop I just...... Can't....

Me and Ross have gotten back together and everything has been perfect. Well, almost perfect. My mom's cancer has gotten worse. They removed the growth, but apparently didn't get all of it. The cancer then spread throughout her body. It's everywhere. She went through chemo for about two weeks until she decided that it wasn't doing anything but making her weak. My mom is dying.

Ross stayed over today and we just had a fun day of watching movies and eating ice cream. Earlier tonight at around 10:30 I went to go get a glass of water for me and Ross. As I was walking down the stairs I saw my mom peacefully sleeping on the couch. I knew the couch wasn't comfortable so I went to wake her up. "Mom come on let's get you to your bed." Nothing. She usually wakes up. "Mom. Come on." Still nothing. I was starting to get worried. I shook her and she still didn't wake up.

"Ross!!!" He came running down the stairs.

"What?! What happened!?"

"Mom! She won't wake up."
Ross waked over to my mother and tried his best to wake her up. A look of realization then came on his face.

"Laura I want you to listen to me. I'll call 911 and you go get your dad okay?" He looked at me with sympathy in his eyes. That's when I knew something was wrong. I went upstairs and got my dad and by the time we got downstairs the ambulance was there. They wouldn't let us ride for some reason so I rode with Ross and my dad drove himself. I insisted that I drive and finally Ross agreed. I was passing every car I could. Taking sharp turns. I'm surprised we didn't reck.

(Back to the present)
This can't be it. This can't be the end. My mom has been there with me through everything. She can't be dying. Please tell me this is just some sick twisted nightmare.

The doctor then came walking towards us. "Mrs. Marano's family?" We all stood up and walked towards him. He chuckled, "Big family."

"Just cut to the chase." I snapped gosh what is wrong with me? "Please" I whispered. The doctor gave me a sympathetic look. I've been getting a lot of those lately. People passing by in the hospital give them to me too and I hate them with a passion. I don't need sympathy.

The doctor took a deep breath "Mrs Marano..... Passed away. She went peacefully in her sleep but she's gone. Our estimate is she died around 10:15."

That's when my whole world came crashing down. My mother was my inspiration. She is the reason I am who I am today. She is the reason I love music and acting. She was there for me through everything.

And from that day on I wasn't the same Laura I was yesterday.

To anyone who may be going through this or something similar day strong. It will be okay

Anywayssss love you guys and hope you liked this chapter!!!! Stay sexy!!!


~ Sara

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