Chapter twenty two

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Ross looked like he was getting ready to blow he started yelling. "Look I do know what it's like! The mom you know isn't really my mother! My father isn't my real father! My siblings aren't my real sibling! I was freaking adopted!"

Ross' POV

I can't believe I just did that. I told my biggest secret to someone that hates me now. "And the worst part is I just found out yesterday... But it's not like you care right? Because you hate me and I don't blame you. What I did was wrong and I will never know why I did it but I do know that I am truly sorry. Every time I see hurt in your eyes and I know it's my fault it kills me inside. If I could go back to that day and change everything I would. You're the only girl for me Laura. I love you with all my heart and I will never love another girl." I looked at Laura and she had tears in her eyes. Next thing I know her tiny little arms are wrapped around my waist. I hugged her back as tight as I could without hurting her.

"Oh Ross. I don't hate you. I hate what you did. No matter what you do I will never hate you. I still love you but.... I just want to be friends.... If you still want to do that because you sound like you need a friend too." She looked me right in the eyes and I saw hope.

"Laura I will do anything to have you back in my life and if that means just being friends... I'm willing to do that. How about we go to your house?" She nodded her head and we headed to my car.

Laura's POV

We were watching "The Fault In Our Stars" in my bed room. I have seen it eight times already. I took the remote and turned off the TV then turned to Ross.

"So you want to talk about it?" I figured he needed to let it all out before he blows.

"Well.... I just found out yesterday because I asked my parents for my birth certificate for school. Anyway my parents seemed nervous and set me down and told me that I was adopted. They said that my mother died of stage 4 lung cancer when I was 6 months old and that my father died in a car crash the day I was born. I was their second child and they didn't even get to raise me. The worst part is.... I can't find them because they are both dead. But...... I did some research and I found my sister..... She lives in LA and I'm driving up there Friday. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me?"

I was shocked that he asked me this but I was more shocked that he was actually going. I can't go. I won't. He was looking at me with those adorable puppy dog eyes and his head tilted to the side like he always does. It's not going to work.

"Pleaseeeee Lauraaaaa"

I sighed "Okayyyy fineeeee I'll go"

"Really?! Yes!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!" He was jumping up and down like a little kid and he looked so happy. Maybe this will be a good thing for the both of us.

Next thing I know I'm being lifted off the ground and spun around.

"Ross!! Let me down!" I said laughing in between my words.

"Okay!" He then tries to set me on the ground but we end up falling back onto the bed. He fell on top of me while we were both still laughing and our breathing was heavy. We locked eyes and we went silent. I forgot how beautiful his eyes were. How warm they made me feel. How they made you melt with one glance.

Next thing I knew Ross' head was leaning closer and he was glancing from my eyes to my lips. I must have been in a trance because I was leaning in too. No matter how much I told myself he was going to hurt me again, I couldn't stop myself.

Our lips then crashed together and at this moment I don't regret it at all.










Finally a Raura kiss!!! What will happen next will Raura get back together? Love ya!! Stay sexy!!



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