Chapter 27

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Laura's POV

I woke up in a cold and dark room. I had chains around my wrists and ankles and they were cutting into my already cut wrists. Honestly, it didn't hurt as bad as it should have. I looked around and seen a bed sitting in the corner. I tried to turn my neck to the left, but it was too painful. Though, it only hurt when I tried to turn it to the left. The bed didn't look too comfortable. I continued looking around an seen a toilet. It was a white toilet, but it was covered in something black. I looked at the ground and saw ashes. This place has caught on fire. Who the heck is keeping me here and why can't I remember how I got here. All I remember is walking out of school. I looked down at my outfit and noticed that there was blood on it. My eyes traveled up my body and from the little part I could see, there was blood coming from my neck.

"Hello? Is somebody in here?" I then heard footsteps and then the door creaking. Someone was walking in. I saw the silhouette of a tall man. He then stepped a little closer and I could make out his features. It was slowly coming back to me now. He was the guy that chased me out of the school. Nate. Then he bit me? Bit me? No. That's not possible. "What are you?

"I could be a number of things. I could be your friend, but I highly doubt that. I could be a murderer, but I doubt that too. Or I could be someone who wants something from you, mixed in with your worst nightmare." His thick British accent sent chills down my spine. All of the sudden his eyes turned a red color. "We really need to clean up that blood or you won't live to see what I am." His face looked different now and his teeth... they were fangs.

"Are you...?"

"Handsome? Yes. Rude? Yes. Trying to save my own butt? Yes. A vampire? ....Yes." Did he just say he was a vampire? Those things only exist in movies and book! Just then my phone started vibrating in my back pocket. How could he forget to check for my phone? Jeez. Kidnappers these days really don't do their research. "What is that?" I didn't say anything. He continued looking for the noise. He then reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone to see a phone call. "Who's Ross?" My eyes got wide as I heard his name. "I'm guessing, by the hearts by his name, he is your boyfriend. Answer it." I kept my mouth shut as he answered the call on speaker phone. He squeezed my hand until I finally spoke.


"Laura! Where are you?"

"Ross, please I need your help!" After I said that Nate put his hand over my mouth.

"Laura!? What's wrong?" Ross continued rambling not giving Nate any room to speak.

"If you would shut up long enough for me to talk then you might find out." Ross then kept quiet. "Look, your precious girlfriend here is something I need. I need her so I can survive. Now, if you want her to survive then you will stay away and not look for her." Ross was getting ready to speak, but Nate hung up to phone and put it in his back pocket. "Now, I thinks it's time for dinner."

A/N Hey sorry I haven't written in a while... Nut here is a short chapter. Stay sexy!


- Sara

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