Chapter 29

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Laura's POV

It's been six days. I'm still in this place. This horrid place. Is there even a reason for me to believe anymore? To try? To live? There has to be a reason. I just can't find it.

"Laura, it's time for dinner." I heard Nate say from the door. I looked up at him and turned my head so he had better access of my neck. "What? No screaming or resisting today? That takes all the fun out of it." I stared at him as he walked closer and moved the hair from my neck. His hand lingered for a moment before he bent down.

His lips moved across my skin as he began to sink his teeth into my neck. I tensed up at the pain of the blood being drained from my body. I just hoped that he wouldn't lose control again.

There was a crash from upstairs that startled Nate and I. Nate removed his fangs from my neck and motioned for me to stay quiet. I couldn't scream even if I wanted to. I'm weak. Any longer and I would have been dead.

I heard multiple things crashing to the ground as I sat helplessly in the chair. Maybe Ross has come to save me. Or maybe I'm imagining things. I heard a moan and a body drop to the floor. That's when I knew it was real. I tried as hard as I could to break free, but there was no use. I heard footsteps comeing towards the door. The door creaked open as I bowed my head.

"Who was it Nate?"

"Laura?" I'd know that voice from anywhere. I looked up to see the blonde love of my life.

"Ross?" I could barely get out his name.

"Laura!" He ran up to me and grabbed my face in his hands as I cringed in pain. "Oh Laura," he whispered. "What did he did to you."

"It doesn't matter," I croaked. "Just get me out of here, please." I said before passing out.

A/N Hey hey hey guys! I feel like I continuously apologize for updating so late, so what's the difference in say it again? Sorry for taking so long! Thank you guys for staying around and reading! I love you guys! Stay sexy!

~ Sara

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