Chapter nineteen

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Laura's Pov


"So what do ya say? Will you give me another chance?"

"Ross I....."


"Ross I..... I can't believe you! You think that just some heart felt words will make this all go away? You think that if you just TELL me you're sorry and you love me that it will just make me kiss you and forgive you? you must be messed up in the head if you think that! It's going to take A LOT more than that to get me to at least be friends with you again. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get Noah to the nurse." I turned around with my hair flying and hands in a fist an made my way toward Noah who was now laying awake on the floor.

"Laura? What happened?" He asked. He sounded so sweet and innocent. Too bad this is just a fling.

"I'll tell you later but for now let's get you to the nurse."

Ross' Pov

After Laura yelled at me and walked away I couldn't take it anymore. I had to get out of this school. I need to figure out how I can get Laura back.

I walked to the park. Laura loves this park. I remember coming here and pushing her in the swing. Her hair blowing in the wind. A huge smile on her face. And those three simple yet powerful words coming out of her mouth. "I love you." I don't think I'll be hearing that for a while but I am going to do anything and everything to get her back. And I think I have the perfect way to do that.

Laura's Pov

"So he just came up and punched me because he was jealous?" Noah asks after I get done explaining what happened to him. We are currently walking to my favourite place. The park.

"We'll yeah I guess that's kind of the reason." I said looking down blushing. Noah lifted up my chin and looked me in the eyes.

"Well can you blame him? You are a beautiful girl that can get anybody anytime she wants. You have an amazing smile and personality and you have a smile that lights up a room." He smiled at me. The smile that has been giving me butterflies all day. You know what? I know I said that I wouldn't let anyone in but I really want to see where this goes. I think we have a real chance. The way Noah makes me feel.... I can't describe it.... But I really like it.

We kept walking towards the park laughing and holding hands. It was like we had known each other for years. We soon arrived and I saw a glimpse of blonde hair and instantly knew it was Ross. He looked me right in the eye and I saw a sad look come over his face. He soon looked away and walked out of the park to his house. I pushed the thought of him out of my mind and focused on Noah. I ran towards the swings.

"Come on Noah! Push me!" I said while laughing. He just chuckled and walked over to me.

"You're cute you know that?" He says with a huge smile on his face. I just smiled back and kept swinging with the wind in my hair. I had a huge smile on my face and for some reason this felt like dejavu but I just ignored it. My phone started ringing and I looked to see my dad calling me.


"Laura? You need to come home now! It's your mom!"








Dun dun dunnnn!!!! So what's ya think???? Love ya stay sexyyyy!!!



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