Chapter 30

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Laura's POV

I opened my eyes and stretched my arms as I took in my surrounding. Ross was beside me in his bed. His arm was around me and his head was laying on the crook of my neck. I quickly moved his arm and jumped out of the bed. My breathing was irregular and my heartbeat was fast.

"Laura? What's wrong?" Ross said as he rubbed his eyes trying to wake up.

I shook my head and rubbed my neck where Ross' head was and where Nate bit me. The images were playing in my head. The fangs. The cold eyes. His cold hands. The blood. My blood. I fell to my knees and started screaming and rocking back and forth.

"Laura! Laura! Please speak to me! That's it. I'm calling 911."

The last thing I heard were sirens and the door being bust open.

Ross' POV

It's been three weeks. Three weeks and she hasn't spoken a word about what happened. She sleeps most of the day and doesn't eat much. She's lost so much weight and she looks ghostly white.

Right now she's sitting on the couch watching telivision. Sounds normal, but the t.v. is off. I walk over to her and sit next to her putting my arm around her shoulders.

"Laura, please speak to me." All she did was blink. That's a start.

"Laura, whatever you went through or whatever you're thinking, you can tell me. I'll listen to every word. I'll be you're shoulder when you cry. I'll do anything. Please talk to me." She turned her head towards me and weakly smiled. "We are off to a good start. Now, can I at least get a hug?"
We both leaned in and hugged until I heard Laura mumble into my shirt. "What did you say?"

"Maybe you'd be better off without me."

"What? Laura, why would you say something like that?"

"Look, I just think it's best. Goodbye Ross." She walked out the door as I sat on the couch.

Why would she do this? I can't believe it. I loved her. I saved her. I lost her and I just got her back. I just got her back. I am not losing her again. I ran out the door following her.

"Laura!" She stopped and turned around, but when she noticed it was me she started running. "Laura, please!" She continued to run as fast as her short legs would carry her, which isn't very fast. I finally caught up to her and spun her around. By now it was pouring down rain. "Laura, don't do this. I love you." Tears fell down from her eyes as she began to speak.

"I know and I love you too, but you're better off without me. I cause too much trouble in your life. I'm nothing but garbage. I'm a burden in your life. I don't deserve you."

"Laura, if anything I don't deserve you." She tried to walk away, but I held her arms in my hands. My hair was soaking wet and our clothes were ruined. "I love you. You have brought joy into my life. Before I met you, my life was a complete mess. You are beautiful, smart, kind, and if I had never met you then you would still be the bad girl of high school and I would still be the not-so-new guy. You are perfect. You and your scars. We can get through this. Together. Okay?" She nodded her head and smashed her lips on mine. Kissing in the rain. Such a cliché. We finally pulled away and loomed into each others eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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