Chapter eleven

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Ross' Pov

The school day has finally ended and I just dropped Laura off at the mall to hang out with Rydel. Apparently Raini decided to come too so there were a bunch of screams as the girls reunited. It turns out Delly and Laura have gotten pretty close. They exchanged number the day we ate with Laura's family and they've been talking ever since. Anyway it's time to put my plan for Laura in action!

Laura's Pov

After Rydel, Raini and I had a mini reunion I kissed Ross goodbye and we headed off. We decided to go to the spa on the other side of the mall first to get our hair done and a massage. First was the massage and the masseuse was a girl. It was kind of strange tho. You know cause it was a girl. But at least I wouldn't have a guy checking me out. Honestly I'm insecure about myself. When I used to act like I was the hottest thing ever I was acting. I thought I looked terrible. But ever since I met Ross I've been acting more like the real me. Even in school. I'm not 'popular' anymore. But I don't care. I'd rather be myself. Some other chick named Aryanna is the 'head popular' now so Chelsea and Aria follow her around like lost puppies. Oh well, all they want is popularity.

Anyways now it's time to get my hair done!! I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted so Raini told them how to style my hair. After about an hour I was done. And I know I said I'm insecure but my hair looks GOOD! I had a few inches cut off but I still had my natural brown hair but they dyed the tips almost a blonde colour. I love it!! Hopefully Ross will like it too!!

We were all done so we headed to Aeropostale. As we walk in I see some chick staring at me. I look at her with a confused face and she gives me an evil look and walks over to us.

"Um hi?" Rydel said with a hint of confusion in her voice.

"Shut up! I'm not here to talk to you slut! I'm here to talk to this slut!" The random girl said pointing at me.

"What?! Who do you think you are? I am not a slut! And neither is Rydel! I'm sure you slept with the same amount of guys as double your age! I don't know who you are but you really should check yourself before you REALLY reck yourself." I yelled at her. It was one thing to call me a slut but when you call my friends a slut we have a problem. Raini just stood there looking at the girl with wide eyes. She knew who this girl was.

"I think I'm Lilly. And I think, wait no, I KNOW you stole Ross from me!" The girl, apparently named Lilly, said.

Raini was about to blow. I could tell. And I'm guess Rydel could too because we both took a step back.

"Look here Lilly. I know who you are. You are the slut that made a move on Ross the first day of school. Your just mad because he walked away from you and For someone better!" Go Raini!! Lilly just huffed and did this really dramatic hair flip and walked away.

"And yes Laura, I seen the while thing between you and Ross.... Because I knew Ross... I used to be his neighbour but then I moved here. We weren't very close but we were good friends and I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I wasn't sure how to. I was waiting until you gave Ross a chance. He told me that he had seen you in the halls and was thinking of a way to talk to you. I secretly watched as he did so. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you!!" Raini explained. She seemed scared that I was mad but I wasn't. I'm glad that they are friends.

"Raini chill it's okay! I'm glad you two and the rest of his family are friends! It just means that it's easier for us all to hang out without it being awkward!" I hugged Raini and we went to a few more shops before heading home. Well to the Lynch's house. Once we got there I stepped out of the car but Rydel and Raini didn't. And then I noticed that every car was gone except for Ross'. "Guys aren't you coming" I asked. "Nope! Just put your stuff down in the house and head to the back yard. I think you'll be very pleased." Rydel explained. Then she drove off leaving me dumbfounded. I walked inside and set my stuff down. I decided to do what I was told and go to the back yard. As I walk out the door I throw my hands to my mouth and gasp.










Hey guys!!! Sorry this chapter wasn't very exciting...... I'm sorry.... But anyway what do you think Ross is planning??? And what's in the back yard??? And what was with Lilly????

Anywayyyy love ya and stay sexy!!!



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