Chapter 28

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Laura's POV

I wiggled around in the chair I was in. It was no use. There was no way I was going to get out of these chains. I now have another mark on my neck from Nate. Tears started falling from my eyes as lowered my head.

"God? I know I haven't talked to you in a while, but I need you. I'm all alone here. There is no one else to turn to. I just need your help. Please send someone here to help me or let this all be a dream. Which ever one it is, I promise I will do better. I will get help. I will stop being depressed all the time. If you would just do this fro me. I promise I'll do better."

I heard laughing coming from the door. I looked up to see Nate standing there. "Do you really think that's going to save you? I've seen what you have done. Don't you realize that you are a burden to everyone around you? I can barley stand to even look at you. You make Ross miserable. He spends every wakening moment thinking of ways to help your pathetic self. If you would break up with Ross you would save him a lot of trouble."

"Stop it! I am not pathetic! You have no idea what I have one through! So, before you judge me why don't you try walking in my shoes?"

"Oh really? Why don't you try being alive for 400 years with the taunting memory of your father beating you and harassing your sister. Why don't you take a turn in my shoes?"

He walked out of the room with his fist balled up. Maybe he is right. Maybe if I break up with Ross it would help the both of us. Then again, he is the only one that cares. But he isn't living his life to the fullest because of me. He can't fulfill his dreams. Nate is right. I'm being selfish. Maybe it's time to think about him instead of myself.

A/N Hey guys!!! Sorry it's been so long, but here is a little something for ya. Love ya! Stay sexy!!


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