Chapter tewenty one

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"The good new is that you're mother survived the surgery. But......"

Laura's Pov

"But what!? But what!!" I don't think I can take this.

"But we found a growth. Mrs. Marano has cancer. We aren't sure what stage it is or how terminal it is but we have our suspicions. But we think it's best to leave your mother alone for today." The doctor explained.

My dad looked like he was in shock but he snapped out of it pretty quick. "Suspicions? What suspicions?"

"Sir please calm down. We are not going to give you information that could possibly be false. The test results should be back in a week but until then your wife will be staying in room 34 on the third floor." And with that the doctor walked away. I can't believe this. How bad is it? What if it's life threatening? I can't loose my mom. I can't. I won't.


I guess I was staring off into space because I see Ross's hand waving in front if my face. (Okay sorry but that rhymed)

"Oh um huh?" I had no idea what he said.

"I said let's get you home. Your dad said he would meet us at your house."

Then it hit me. I remembered how Ross cheated on me. How he broke my heart. It's like the past couple hours I moved all if that from my head. How did I do that?

"Ross...... I can't just forget what you did. No matter how much I want to I can't." I looked into his eyes and saw..... Hurt?

"Laura, we do t have to get back together right now. Not if you don't want to. I still live you will all if my heart but I will wait for you. And you need a friend right now and I will be that friend."

"How could you possibly understand how it feels to almost loose your mom to a car accident?! How could you possibly understand how it is to find out your mom has cancer, that could be terminal, right after she gets out if a life threatening surgery? How could you possibly understand?!" I was furious but not at Ross... At the world.

Ross looked like he was getting ready to blow he started yelling. "Look I do know what's its like! The mom that you know isn't my really mother! My father isn't my real father! My siblings aren't my real siblings! I was freaking adopted!"







Sorry it's so short but I hope you like it!! Anywayssss love ya! Stay sexy!



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