Chapter seventeen

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Ross' Pov

Why does she of all people have to walk up to me?!? I turn around a find Laura looking at me. My eyes widened at her short shorts and crop top. I guess I was staring because next thing I knew she was snapping in my face.

"Um hello!!!??? Quit staring at me and move out o.f my freaking way! My locker is literally right behind you and I don't know about you, but I need to get to it." She spat at me. I can't believe this. This isn't the girl I fell in love with. She's changed. A LOT. Is it because of me? Well I can't say anything I've changed a lot too.

"Well MOVE!" She yelled. I finally moved out of her way and she went to her locker. I turned around and stared at her. The way she dressed. It wasn't her usual style but she looked beautiful. She turned around and at first I thought I saw a tear slide down her face but as soon as it came it was wiped away. Her sad face then turned to a cold hard glare when she saw me. She bumped my shoulder and continued walking down the hallway. I then see Raini and run up to her.

"Raini what's up with Laura? She's acting like a total different person!"

"Well what do you expect doofus? You cheated on her! I saw that little scene she pulled earlier and I don't like it but I can't blame her. She's hurt Ross. She's not going to trust anyone ever again. Unless....." She was talking but she faded off.

"Unless what Raini?!" I was beginning to get impatient.

"Unless you show her you care. And I don't mean the cliche right her a song I mean REALLY show her that you care and didn't mean to cheat." Raini walked away after that leaving me wondering how the heck I was gonna do that.

Laura's Pov

Gosh that hurt. It hurt so much to walk down the hall and see Ross kiss another girl like he was completely over me. Like what he did didn't matter at all. That's what hurt the most was the way he kissed her. That's the way he used to kiss me. But there was something different about the way he kissed that girl. Something that I can't put my finger on. It hurt when I treated him like crap. I treated him like I didn't care when in reality I wanted to go up to him and kiss him and tell him I love him. But that's not going to happen. I'm not letting anyone no where near my heart again. My walls were rebuilt after he cheated on me and this time they are 100 times higher.

"Hey sexy thang." I hear a deep voice say behind me. I was getting ready to slap him but then I remembered 'you're not the same Laura you were last week' so I turned around to see Noah silvers. The hottest senior there is. I gave him a flirty smile. "Hey handsome. You, me, date, 8 o'clock tonight." I practically demanded a date with him but he seemed happy. "Why would I pass up on that? A date with the most beaut..." He got cut off when someone came and punched him in the face. I ran over to an out cold Noah laying on the ground. I looked up to see Ross standing there with blood from Noah's nose on his hand.








Well that's not how Ross is going to win Laura back...... I wonder what's going to happen?? Will they end up getting back together or will Laura fall for someone else? Or will other drama start to unfold?? Hmmmm read to find out!!😊😊 anyways Love ya!!! And stay sexy!!!!






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